Skuyler Herzog
Tykeson Hall 322
1500 SW Chandler Avenue
Bend, OR 97702
United States
Dr. Herzog joined Oregon State University in fall 2021 at OSU-Cascades in Bend. Herzog is a hydrologist specializing in groundwater-surface water interactions, with a focus on hyporheic zone restoration.
Like the water quality problems he studies, Herzog’s research does not fit neatly into traditional management sectors. Instead, his projects span forested, agricultural, urban and wastewater-dominated watersheds. Herzog seeks projects that simultaneously address fundamental scientific questions and practical topics of local importance. In particular, Herzog works with water practitioners, stakeholders and regulators to translate scientific results into practical management solutions.
Research Projects
Current and recent projects include:
- Hyporheic biogeochemistry at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (Blue River, OR)
- Potential of floodplain reconnection along Upper Crooked River to restore perennial flow (Post, OR)
- Optimization and monitoring of hyporheic restoration structures for stormwater treatment (Seattle, WA)
- Fate and transport of the diabetes medication metformin in the hyporheic zone of wastewater-dominated streams (Berlin, Germany)
In collaboration with faculty from multiple departments at OSU-Cascades and Central Oregon stakeholders, Herzog is exploring multi-disciplinary ecological restoration projects. Emerging topics include:
- Stream restoration (including beaver dam analogs) to enhance riparian vegetation
- Changes to forest composition due to drought and climate change
- Restoration approaches to improve water quantity and quality for anadromous fish
Courses taught at OSU-Cascades
Environmental Science Orientation (ENSC 101)
Managing Natural Resources for the Future (NR 201)
Management Principles of Pacific Salmon in the Northwest (FW 323)
Integrated Watershed Management (FW 326)
Natural Resources Decision Making (NR 455)
Selected Works
Herzog SP, AS Ward, and SM Wondzell. 2019. Multi-scale feature-feature interactions control patterns of hyporheic exchange in a headwater mountain stream. Water Resources Research 55(12), 10976- 10992.
Herzog SP, WA Eisenstein, BN Halpin, AC Portmann, NJM Fitzgerald, AS Ward, CP Higgins, and JE McCray. 2019. Co-design of engineered hyporheic zones to improve in-stream stormwater treatment and facilitate regulatory approval. Water 11(12), 2543.
Peter KT, SP Herzog, Z Tian, C Wu, JE McCray, K Lynch, EP Kolodziej. 2019. Evaluating Emerging Organic Contaminant Removal in an Engineered Hyporheic Zone Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Water Research 150, 140-152. b
Herzog SP, CP Higgins, K Singha, JE McCray. 2018. Performance of Engineered Streambeds for Inducing Hyporheic Transient Storage and Attenuation of Resazurin. Environmental Science and Technology 52(18), 10627-10636.
Herzog SP, CP Higgins, JE McCray. 2015. Engineered streambeds for induced hyporheic flow: Enhanced removal of nutrients, pathogens, and metals from urban streams. J Environmental Engineering 142(1), 04015053.