Land Acknowledgement

Oregon State University – Cascades acknowledgment of partnership with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs

We recognize that First Peoples have and always have had a spiritual connection to the land. As OSU is a land-grant institution, we recognize the profound responsibility this history creates in our institution and ongoing partnerships with the Tribes.

It is OSU-Cascades' intent and responsibility to work with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, to recognize their rights in the region. The First Peoples of this land are valued, contributing members of the Oregon State community and represent multiple sovereign tribes among students, faculty, staff and alumni.

OSU-Cascades is committed — in the spirit of self-reflection, learning and partnership — to ensure that this institution of higher learning will be of enduring benefit to the people on whose ancestral lands it is now located.

*This acknowledgment of partnership was collaboratively created by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Culture and Heritage Committee, OSU-Cascades’ student tribal liaison Leona Ike, and OSU-Cascades. Final vote on the wording of this statement by Tribal Council is pending. 

Land Acknowledgement

Oregon State University acknowledges the impact of its land grant history on Indigenous communities in Oregon and beyond. OSU is committed to ensuring the university is of enduring benefit to the people on whose ancestral lands OSU is now located. To learn more visit