Medical Injury


Medical Emergency: Call 9-1-1
OSU-Cascades Campus Safety:  541-322-3110

1.  Remain calm, initiate lifesaving measures if required.
     a.  Do not move injured person unless there is danger for further harm.

2.  Call 9-1-1 for emergency medical assistance.  Also call OSU-Cascades Campus Safety for notification and assistance.

3.  Call out for help so others nearby can respond to the event
     a.  Call or send someone to call 9-1-1 for Emergency Medical services (dial 9-1-1). 
     b.  Give your name, location, and telephone number.  Provide as much information as possible regarding the nature of the injury, or illness, and whether or not the victim is conscious, etc.

4.  Provide first-aid
     a.  Administer first aid (if properly trained)
     b.  Keep the victim as comfortable as possible
     c.  Remain with the victim until the assistance arrives.
     d.  DO NOT give fluids or food unless authorized by a medical provider
     e.  Protect yourself from potential blood borne pathogens (human blood and other body fluids.)
     f.   Protect yourself against exposure to hazardous materials. Consult the Safety Data Sheet and wear appropriate personnel protective equipment.

5.  Send someone to meet the ambulance and guide it to the patient


  • If the injured person is an employee, contact the employee’s supervisor and initiate the reporting procedures as directed.
  • If you think you have been exposed to bodily fluids:
          o  Seek medical treatment from your physician or other health care provider
          o  Report the exposure to your supervisor, who will complete the web based HR Advocate Incident Reporting and Form 801 (Report of Accident/Illness)
          o  Contact the OSU-Cascades