Poison Control Center: Call 1-800-452-7165
Fire/Ambulance/ Police: Call 9-1-1
If a toxic material is splashed in eyes:
- Call out for help so others can assist you
- Rinse eyes with running water for up to 15 minutes, Hold the eyelid open while water flows over the eyeballs. Do not rub the eye. Use an emergency eyewash station if there is one readily available
- Evacuate the room or building if there is a release of a magnitude and/or toxicity that could have widespread impacts
- Call 9-1-1 for medical assistance, if needed
- Call Poison Control Center
- Contact employee’s supervisor
- Contact OSU-Cascades Campus Safety.
- Protect yourself and others against exposure to hazardous materials.
If a toxic material comes in contact with skin:
- Call out for help so others can assist you
- Take off contaminated clothing, rinse skin with running water for up to 15 minutes. If exposure extends beyond the hands, use an emergency shower if there is one readily available
- Call 9-1-1 for medical assistance, if needed
- Call Poison Control Center
- Contact employee’s supervisor
- Contact OSU-Cascades Director of Campus Safety.
If a toxic material is inhaled:
- Call out for help so others can assist you
- Move victim to fresh air, open doors and windows
- Call Poison Control Center, 1-800-452-7165
- Contact OSU-Cascades Director of Campus Safety.
- Contact employee’s supervisor
- Protect yourself against exposure to toxic materials. Consult the Safety Data Sheet and wear appropriate personnel protective equipment.
If poison is ingested:
- Call out for help so others can assist you
- Call 9-1-1 for medical assistance, if needed
- Call Poison Control Center
- If cleaning product is swallowed, prepare to give one glass of water or milk to drink, under the direction of the Poison Control Center (unless person is unconscious, having convulsions or is unable to swallow).
- Contact OSU-Cascades Director of Campus Safety.
- Contact employee’s supervisor
- Follow OSU-Cascades Chemical Spill response procedure (Appendix F) to clean up toxic materials and exhaust toxic gases
- If the injured person is an employee, contact the employee’s supervisor and initiate the reporting procedures as directed. (HR Advocate web site and Form 801 (Report of Accident/Illness)