In the final meeting of the Oregon State University Cascades Campus Expansion Advisory Committee today, members of the committee and its task forces will be recognized for their 17-month collaborative effort to advise the branch campus as it plans for a physical campus that meets the diverse needs of the surrounding community, and attracts and serves current and future students and faculty.
More than 100 individuals -- including community members, neighborhood association representatives, architects, planners, healthcare professionals, non-profit leaders, business leaders, local and state government representatives, and educators -- worked with CEAC and its task forces to develop a slate of far reaching recommendations.
“The recommendations the volunteers brought forth to CEAC are impressive,” said Becky Johnson, vice president of the branch campus, “and we are appreciative of their commitment to help create a campus that is a vital part of the community.”
Bend City Councilor Jodie Barram who co-chaired CEAC said, “The work of CEAC and the task force members will benefit Bend and Central Oregon for years to come.”
Johnson and Barram will be joined by Matt Shinderman in recognizing community members. Shinderman, a senior instructor who leads the campus sustainability efforts, serves as co-chair of CEAC. with Barram.
The outcome of the CEAC and task force efforts -- a total of 115 recommendations plus guiding principles -- address healthcare, housing, neighborhood livability, regional collaboration, sustainability and transportation. Ninety-two of the recommendations are now incorporated into planning and policy. The balance of recommendations is under consideration or will be revisited during a next phase of development.
At the CEAC meeting, which takes place from 2 to 4 p.m. in Cascades Hall, Rm. 117, participants will also discuss a new structure for future public engagement involving the campus, City of Bend and community.
CEAC effort engaged 108 community members, leaders and experts
Dec. 5, 2014