Thomas Rodhouse

Thomas Rodhouse head shot

Thomas Rodhouse

Courtesy Appointment, National Park Service

Graduate & Research Center 214
650 SW Columbia Street
Bend, OR 97702
United States

Ph.D. in Natural Resources, University of Idaho
M.S. in Biogeography, Oregon State University
B.S. in Wildlife Science, Oregon State University
B.S. in Anthropology, Lewis and Clark College
Statistics Graduate Coursework Certificate, University of Idaho
Curriculum Vitae

Tom is an ecologist with the National Park Service Upper Columbia Basin Network Inventory and Monitoring Program and holds a courtesy faculty appointment in OSU’s Animal and Rangeland Sciences Department. Tom directs ecological monitoring and supporting research projects in national parks across the western U.S. Tom approaches questions from a biogeographical perspective, with particular interest in the processes of range dynamics – contraction and biological invasion – and uses predictive models to bridge the gap between monitoring and management. Tom is a leader in the effort to develop coordinated bat monitoring across North America, studies American pikas in the context of climate change across national parks, and is also studying long-term dynamics of sagebrush steppe vegetation, rare plants, and invasive weeds in the context of climate, fire, and park management. Tom advises OSU graduate students on applied ecological studies of parks and protected areas. He received a Ph.D. in natural resources from the University of Idaho, an M.S. in biogeography from Oregon State University, and B.S. degrees in wildlife science from Oregon State University and anthropology from Lewis and Clark College.

Selected Recent Publications (see Google Scholar for complete list here)

Stucki, D.S, T.J. Rodhouse, R.J. Reuter. 2021. Effects of traditional harvest and burning on common camas (Camassia quamash) abundance in Northern Idaho: the potential for traditional resource management in a protected area wetland. Ecology and Evolution. 10.1002/ece3.8010

Rodhouse, T.J., S. Rose, T. Hawkins, R.M. Rodriguez. 2021. Audible bats present opportunities for citizen scientists. Conservation Science and Practice e435.

Rodhouse, T.J., J. Lonneker, L. Bowersock, D. Popp, J.C. Thompson, G.H. Dicus, and K.M. Irvine. 2021. Resilience to fire and resistance to annual grass invasion in sagebrush ecosystems of US National Parks. Global Ecology and Conservation 28:e01689. 

Reichert, B., M. Bayless, T. Cheng, J. Coleman, … T.J. Rodhouse, … and others. 2021NABat: a top-down, bottom-up solution to collaborative continental-scale monitoring. Ambio 50:901-913. 

Wright, W.J., K.M. Irvine, T.J. Rodhouse, A.R. Litt. 2021. Spatial Gaussian processes improve multi-species occupancy models when range boundaries are uncertain and non-overlapping. Ecology and Evolution 11:8516-8527.  

Udell, B.J., Straw, B.R, Cheng, T., Enns, K.D., Winfred, F., Gotthold, B.S, Irvine, K.M., Lausen, C., Loeb, S., Reichard, J., Rodhouse, T., Smith, D.A., Stratton, C., Thogmartin, W.E., Wiens, A.M., and Reichert, B.E., 2022, Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019 Data Release: U.S. Geological Survey data release,