Research Talks
In these monthly talks, students, faculty and staff have an opportunity to hear from OSU-Cascades researchers about their latest work. The talks are free, informal, and coordinated through the OSU-Cascades Associate Dean of Research, Shannon Lipscomb.
WHEN: 12 – 12:50 p.m.
Please feel free to bring your lunch, and please encourage both colleagues and students from any discipline to attend these talks.
Skuyler Herzog, Assistant Professor of Natural Resources
November 15 in Obsidian 205
Title: The future of baseflow in Central Oregon rivers. Can stream restoration mitigate climate change?
JJ Hannigan, Assistant Professor in Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
December 8 in Obsidian 205
Title: MAXimizing running footwear for injury prevention and performance: current research and future directions
Melinda Knapp, Assistant Professor of Education
January 24 in Obsidian 207
Title: Co-Learning for Equity: Harnessing Co-Noticing as a Dynamic Tool in Advancing Equity-Oriented Mathematics Instruction
Braden Engel, Instructor in Arts, Media, and Technology
February 22 in Obsidian 207
Title: Artifice of the Absurd: Visual Representations of Architecture in Myth
Debbie Coehlo, Instructor in Psychology
March 11 in Obsidian 204
Title: The Outcomes of Residential Treatment
Jennifer Reimer, Assistant Professor of American Studies
April 23 in Obsidian 207
Title: From Catastrophe to Cata/Strophe: Prepositional Poetics as Decolonizing Praxis