Course Listing

Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.

OSU Course Catalog(Link is external)
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TRAL Courses by Term

All information is subject to change

() = pre-requisites

2024-2025 Academic Year

Summer 2024

BA 260 Entrepreneurship online only
BA 390 Marketing (pre-req ECON 201) online only
ECON 201 Micro-Economics (recommended MTH 111Z) online only
FW 350 Endangered Species online only
ST 243z Elementary Statistics online only
SUS 350 Sustainable Communities online only
TRAL 410 Internship (pre-req TRAL 270)
TRAL 493 Environmental Interpretation online only

Fall 2024

TRAL Core Courses:
COMM 111Z Public Speaking
ST 243z Elementary Statistics
SUS 350 Sustainable Communities
TRAL 132 History of Outdoor Adventure
TRAL 353 Nature, Eco, and Adventure Tourism
TRAL 357 Parks and Protected Areas Management
TRAL 493 Environmental Interpretation online only
TRAL 410 Internship (pre-req TRAL 270)

ALE Option Courses:
TRAL 173 Intermediate Rock Climbing
TRAL 218 Rock Site Mgmt. (pre-req TRAL 173 or equivalent)
TRAL 270 Pre-Internship Seminar
TRAL 222 Wilderness First Responder
TRAL 260 Intermediate Paddle Sport (pre-req TRAL 110 & TRAL 111)
TRAL 374 Outdoor Adventure Education (pre-req TRAL 132, & TRAL 215)
TRAL 375 Experiential Ed. (WIC)

NEAT Option Courses:
TRAL 173 Intermediate Rock Climbing
TRAL 270 Pre-Internship Seminar
TRAL 222 Wilderness First Responder
TRAL 375 Experiential Ed. (WIC)
ECON 201 Micro-Economics (recommended MTH 111Z)
BA 260 Entrepreneurship
BA 352/252 Manage Indv./Team Performance (pre-req COMM 111Z or 114)
BA 390 Marketing (pre-req ECON 201)

Winter 2025

TRAL Core Courses:
COMM 111Z Public Speaking
FW 350 Endangered Species
ST 243z Elementary Statistics
TRAL 251 Recreation Resource Management
TRAL 493 Environmental Interpretation online only
TRAL 410 Internship (pre-req TRAL 270)
TRAL 399: Avalanche Skills & Rec. (appropriate sub for TRAL 309)

ALE Option Courses:
TRAL 215 Group Facilitation
TRAL 270 Pre-Internship Seminar
TRAL 370 Design Mgmt. of Outdoor Experience (pre-req TRAL 280 or TRAL 375)
TRAL 476 Risk Management (senior status required)
TRAL 479 Nature & Human Experience

NEAT Option Courses:
TRAL 215 Group Facilitation
TRAL 270 Pre-Internship Seminar
TRAL 370 Design Mgmt. of Outdoor Experience (pre-req TRAL 280 or TRAL 375)
TRAL 476 Risk Management (Senior standing required)
TRAL 479 Nature & Human Experience
ECON 201 Micro-Economics (recommended MTH 111Z)

Spring 2025

TRAL Core Courses:
COMM 111Z Public Speaking or COMM 114 Argument and Critical Discourse
FES 422 Research Methods in Soc. Sci. (pre-req ST 243Z; co-req FES 202/428)
FES 202/428 Software Tools in Quantitative Social Sci. Research (pre-req ST 243Z; co-req FES 422)
TRAL 410 Internship (pre-req TRAL 270)

ALE Option Courses:
TRAL 110 Intro. to WW Kayaking
TRAL 111 Intro. to Canoeing
TRAL 115/118 Outdoor Living Skills and Lab
TRAL 270 Pre-Internship Seminar
TRAL 280 Outdoor Leadership Fundamentals (pre-req TRAL 110, TRAL 111, TRAL 115/118, & TRAL 173)
TRAL 377 River Expedition (pre-req TRAL 370 & TRAL 260; co-req TRAL 379)
TRAL 379 Mountain Expedition (pre-req TRAL 370; co-req TRAL 377)

NEAT Option Courses:
TRAL 110 Intro. to WW Kayaking
TRAL 111 Intro. to Canoeing
TRAL 115/118 Outdoor Living Skills and Lab
TRAL 270 Pre-Internship Seminar
TRAL 280 Outdoor Leadership Fundamentals (pre-req TRAL 110, TRAL 111, TRAL 115/118, & TRAL 173)
BA 260 Entrepreneurship
BA 315 Accounting Fund. (Junior standing required)
BA 352/252 Manage Indv./Team Performance (pre-req COMM 111Z or 114)