Expanding OSU-Cascades has been a collaborative effort involving the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Bend Parks and Recreation, public, private and education partners, area residents and nearby campus neighbors.
Campus Expansion Advisory Committee
More than 80 Central Oregonians served on 10 task forces related to the campus expansion. OSU-Cascades formed the Campus Expansion Advisory Committee (CEAC) in April 2013 to help inform and gather input from the Central Oregon community as it expands to a four-year university on a campus in Bend. As of December 2014, OSU-Cascades had incorporated 92 of the CEAC's 115 recommendations.
Long Range Development Planning Advisory Groups
As OSU-Cascades continued creation of a long range development plan for its new campus, it took input from four advisory groups formed in November of 2015. These groups built on the work of the Campus Expansion Advisory Committee task forces and continued to provide expertise and insight to campus leaders in the areas of arts, culture and enrichment; community integration; sustainability; and health and wellness.