Brianne Kothari
Tykeson Hall 335
1500 SW Chandler Avenue
Bend, OR 97702
United States
Brianne comes to OSU-Cascades from Portland, Ore. where she held positions as a senior research associate at the Regional Research Institute for Human Services and as an adjunct instructor in the Graduate School of Social Work at Portland State University. She holds a Ph.D. in social work and social research from Portland State University and a M.A. in human development from Washington State University. Her research and scholarship focus on understanding the experiences and trajectories of at-risk populations as well as on designing, implementing and evaluating developmentally appropriate, family systems focused interventions.
Brianne is currently working on one of the first RCTs focused on siblings in foster care. Her scholarship has been published in top interdisciplinary journals, and she is a 2014 NIMH Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services (CHIPS) Fellow. Brianne's career goals involve better understanding resilience-promoting factors and developing interventions that improve well-being for children, youth and families. She teaches courses in child and adolescent development, family studies, research methods, statistics and proposal writing.
Research Interests
Child Welfare and Child Well-Being
Youth’s Relationships with Caring and Caregiving Adults
Youth Relationships with Siblings and Peers
Ecological Contexts of Youth
Mental and Behavioral Health of Youth
Prevention and Intervention Programs
Child Welfare and Child Well-Being Systems and Policies
Child Welfare and Child Well-being (2CW) Research Lab
School of Human Develompment and Family Sciences
Human Development and Family Sciences at OSU-Cascades Campus
Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children & Families
Family Policy Group
Selected Publications
Kothari, B. H., Chandler, K. D., Waugh, A., McElvaine, K., Jaramillo, J., & Lipscomb, S. (2021). Retention of child welfare caseworkers: The role of case complexity and workplace support. Children and Youth Services Review, 26, 106039. doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106039
Jaramillo, J. & Kothari, B. H. (2021). Supportive caseworkers, school engagement, and posttraumatic symptoms among youth in foster care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. doi.org/10.1007/s10560-021-00749-w
Waid, J., Kothari, B. H., Dahlgren, J., Bank, L., & McBeath, M. (2021). Exploring mechanisms of change in a dyadic relationship intervention for siblings in foster care. Child and Family Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12833
Kothari, B. H., Godlewski, B., Lipscomb, S. T., & Jaramillo, J. (2021). Educational resilience among youth in foster care. Psychology in the Schools, 58(5), 913-934. doi.org/10.1002/pits.22478
Kothari, B. H., Blakeslee, J., & Miller, R. (2020). Individual and interpersonal factors associated with psychosocial functioning among adolescents in foster care: A scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105454. doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105454
Kothari, B. H., McGee, M., Harmon-Godlewski, B.*, McBeath, B., Bank, L., & Lipscomb, S. (2018). A longitudinal analysis of school discipline events among youth in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 93, 117-125. doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.07.017
Kothari, B. H., McBeath, B., Sorenson, P., Bank, L., Waid, J., Webb, S. J., & Steele, J. (2017). An intervention to improve sibling relationship quality among youth in foster care: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Child Abuse and Neglect, 63, 19-29. doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.11.010
Kothari, B. H., McBeath, B., Sorenson, P., Waid, J., Webb, S. J., & Bank, L. (2016). Validation of a measure of foster home integration for foster youth. Journal of Research on Social Work Practice, 28(6), 751-761. doi.org/10.1177/1049731516675033
Kothari, B. H., McBeath, B., Lamson-Siu, E., Webb, S., Sorenson, P., Bowen, H., Bank, L., & Waid, J. (2014). Development and feasibility of a sibling intervention for preadolescent and adolescent youth in foster care. Evaluation and Program Planning, 47, 91-99. doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2014.08.006