Course Listing

Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.

OSU Class Search - a term ahead course search
College of Liberal Arts Course Guide - CLA Core planning

American Studies Core and Option Courses by Term

All information is subject to change

2024-2025  (subject to change)

Fall 2024

AMS 450: Pragmatism in American Culture  (4)
COMM 326: Intercultural Communication (3)
ENG 240: Environmental Literature (4)
ENG 386: Cultural History of American Art and Literature (4)

ES 101: Ethnic Studies (4)
HST 201: History of US (4)
PS 362: American Political Thought (4)

Winter 2025

ANTH 350: Language, Culture and Society (4)
ENG 253: American Lit: Colonial to 1900 (4)
ENG 387: Cultural History of American Art and Literature (4)
ENG 497: International Women's Voices (4)
ES 241: Intro to Native American Studies (3)
HST 202: History of US (4)

Spring 2025

ENG 254: American Lit: 1900-present (4)
ENG 360: Native American Lit (4)
ENG 388: Cultural History of American Art and Literature (4)
ENG 445: Studies in Nonfiction (4), WIC repeatable for max 8 credits
ES 211: Intro to Latina/o Studies (3)
HST 203: History of the US (4)
PS 383: Constitutional Law (4)
PS 475: Environmental Law and Politics (4)

Previous Year Course Plans

Fall 2023

AMS 350: Vietnam and American Culture  (4)
ENG 445: Studies in Nonfiction (4), WIC repeatable for max 8 credits
ES 101: Ethnic Studies (4)
HST 201: History of US (4)
PS 362: American Political Thought (4)

Winter 2024

ANTH 380: Global Change (4)
ENG 212: Lit of the World: Meso/S. America (4)
ENG 253: American Lit: Colonial to 1900 (4)
ENG 362: American Women Writers (4)
ENG 482: American Lit, Culture and Environment (4)
ENG 485: Studies in American Lit (4) WIC
ES 241: Intro to Native American Studies (3)
HST 202: History of US (4)
HST 362: Women in US History (4)
WR 224: Intro to Fiction Writing (3)

Spring 2024

ENG 254: American Lit: 1900-present (4)
ENG 360: Native American Lit (4)
COMM 114 Argumentation and Discourse Comm (3)
HST 203: History of the US (4)
HST 363: Women in US History (4)
PS 383: Constitutional Law (4)
PS 475: Environmental Law and Politics (4)
WR 462: Environmental Writing (4) WIC