College of Liberal Arts Courses

Below is a list courses from the College of Liberal Arts departments planned at OSU-Cascades.
There are additional lower division courses, ART and PSY courses that some students may be eligible to take with correct pre-requisites. For detailed course information check the OSU Catalog.

See the CLA Course Guide for CLA Core planning.

College of Liberal Arts Courses

All course forecast information is subject to change and to be used to create the Liberal Studies Plan of Study and Theme.

All information is subject to change


2024-2025 Projected Courses


Fall 2024

AMS 450: Pragmatist, Philosophy and American Culture (4)
ANTH 210: Cultural Anthropology (3)
ART 366: Art Since 1945 (3)
ART 367 History of Design (3)
ART 386: A Cultural History of American Art and Lit (4)
COMM 316: Advanced Persuasion (3)
COMM 321: Intro to Comm Theory (3)
COMM 326: Intercultural Communication (3)
ENG 240: Intro to Enviornmental Lit (4)
ENG 386: A Cultural History of American Art and Lit (4) cross-listed with ART 386
ES 101: Intro to Ethnic Studies (4)
HST 201: U.S. History (4)
PS 201: Intro to US Government and Politics (4)
PS 362: Modern Political Thought (4)
PSY 202Z: General Psychology (4)
PSY 350: Human Development (4) psy 201+202 pre-req or approval
PSY 381: Abnormal Psychology (4) psy 201+202 pre-req or approval
SOC 430 Gender and Society (4)
SOC 480: Environmental Sociology (4)

Winter 2025

ANTH 251: Language in the USA (3)
ANTH 380: Global Conflicts: Anthro Perspectives (3)
ART 387: A Cultural History of American Art and Lit (4)
COMM 320 Introduction to Rhetorical Theory (3)
COMM 323: Community Dialogue (4)
COMM 425: Communication and Youth Outreach (4)
ENG 212: Lit of the World: Meso/S. America, Caribbean (4)
ENG 253: American Lit: Colonial to 1900 (4)
ENG 387: A Cultural History of American Art and Lit (4) cross-listed with ART 387
ENG 497: International Women's Voices (4)
ES 241: Intro to Native American Studies (3)
HST 202: U.S. History (4)
PS 206: Intro to Political Thought (4)
PS 354: International Law and Organizations (4)
PSY 201Z: General Psychology (4)
PSY 360: Social Psychology (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
PSY 340: Cognition (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
PSY 370: Personality (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
PSY 426: Psychology of Gender (4) psy 202 pre-req or approval
PSY 499: Psychology of Religion (4)
SSCI 301: Qualitative Research Methods for Soc Sci (4) WIC
SOC 204: Intro to Sociology (3)
WR 224: Intro to Creative Writing (3)
WR 227z: Technical Writing (3)

Spring 2025

ANTH 315: Peoples of the World(3)
ANTH 352: Anth, Health, and Environment (3)
ART 387: A Cultural History of American Art and Lit (4)
ART 475: Printmaking (4)
COMM 466: Ethics of Rhetoric (3)
ENG 254: American Lit: 1900 to present (4)
ENG 360: Native American Lit (4)
ENG 388: A Cultural History of American Art and Lit (4) cross-listed with ART 387
ENG 445: Studies in Nonfiction (4), WIC repeatable for max 8 credits
ES 211: Intro to Latino/a Studies (3)
HST 203: U.S. History (4)
PS 205: Intro to International Law (4)
PS 383: Constitutional Law Civil Rights & Liberties (4)
PS 475: Environmental Law and Politics (4)
PSY 202Z: General Psychology (4)
SOC 206: Social Problems and Issues (3)
SOC 439: Welfare and Social Services (4)

2025-26 projection - subject to change

Fall 2025

AMS 350: American Culture and Vietnam (4)
ANTH 210: Comparative Cultures (3)
ART 366: Art Since 1945 (3)
ART 367: History of Design (3)
ENG 240: Intro to Environmental Lit (4)
ES 101: Intro to Ethnic Studies (3)
COMM 312: Advanced Public Speaking (3)
COMM 321: Intro Comm Theory (3)
COMM 427: Cultural Codes in Comm (3)
ENG 445: Non-Fiction Writing: Personal Essay- WIC (4) repeatable for 8 credits
PS 201: Intro to US Government and Politics (4)
PS 331: State and Local Government (4)
PSY 202Z: General Psychology (4)
PSY 360: Social Psychology (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
PSY 381: Abnormal Psychology (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
SOC 452: Sociology of Religion (4)

Winter 2026

ART 375: Printmaking (4) studio experience
ART 462: Directions in Contemporary Art (3)
ANTH 251: Language in the USA (3)
ANTH 350: Language, Culture and Society (3)
COMM 320 Introduction to Rhetorical Theory (3)
COMM 322: Small Group Comm (3)
COMM 399: ST The Grateful Dead, Deadheads, and Cultural Communication (4)
ENG 212: Lit of the World: Meso/S. America, Caribbean (4)
ENG 253: American Lit: Colonial to 1900 (4)
ENG 362: American Women Writers (4)
HST 362: Women in U.S. History (4)
PS 206: Intro to Political Thought (4)
PSY 201Z: General Psychology (4)
PSY 340: Cognition (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
PSY 370: Personality (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
SOC 204: Intro to Sociology (3)
SOC 480: Environmental Sociology (4)
SSCI 301: Social Sci Research Methods (4) WIC
WR 227z: Technical Writing (3)

Spring 2026

ANTH 352: Anth, Health, and Environment (3)
ANTH 315: Peoples of the World: Africa (3)
ANTH 482: Anthropology of international Development (4)
ART 411: Contemporary Issues in Art (3) WIC departmental approval
ART 475 Printmaking (4) departmental approval
COMM 325: Communicating Leadership (4)
COMM 440: Theories of Conflict & Conflict Mgmt (3)
ENG 254: American Lit: 1900 to Present (4)
ENG 360: Native American Lit (4)
ENG 497: International Women’s Voices (4)
ES 211: Intro to Latino/a Studies (4)
HST 202: U.S. History (4)
HST 363: Women in U.S. History (4)
PS 382: Constitutional Law (4)
PS 475: Envr. Politics and Policy (4)
PSY 330: Brain and Behavior (4) psy 201/202 pre-req or approval
PSY 499: Psychology of Religion (4)
PSY 426: Psychology of Gender (4)
SOC 206: Social Problems and Issues (3)
SOC 475: Rural Sociology (4)