Course Listing

Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.

OSU Course Catalog
OSU Class Search

Computer Science Courses by Term

The following information is used for on-campus course planning for OSU Cascades campus.
All information is subject to change


2024-25 Academic Year

Fall 2024

ENGR 100 – The OSU Engineering Student
CS 162 - Intro to Computer Science II (ENGR 103 or CS 161)
CS 271 - Computer Architecture & Assembly Language (ENGR 103 or CS 161)
CS 352 - Introduction to Usability Engineering (ENGR 103 or CS 161)
CS 361 - Software Engineering I (CS 261)
CS 372 - Introduction to Computer Networks (CS 261, CS 271, C programming, Unix)
CS 391 - Social and Ethical Issues in CS (CS 101 or Computer Literacy)
CS 434 - Machine Learning and Data Mining (CS 325 & ST 314)
CS 461 - Senior Software Engineering Project (CS 361, CS 325, CS 362, co-requisite CS 466, Senior Standing)
CS 475 - Introduction to Parallel Programming (CS 261)

Winter 2025

ENGR 102 – Design Engineering and Problem Solving
CS 261 - Data Structures (CS 162, MTH 231)
CS 340 - Introduction to Databases (CS 290)
CS 362 - Software Engineering II (CS 261, CS 361 recommended)
CS 374 - Operating Systems I (CS 261, CS 271, C programming)
CS 381 - Programming Language Fundamentals (CS 261, MTH 231)
CS 462 - Senior Software Engineering (CS 362, CS 461, Sr Standing)
CS 466 - Software Start-up (CS 461, Sr Standing)
CS 478 - Network Security (CS 372)
CS 492 - Mobile Software Development (CS 344)

Spring 2025

ENGR 103 - Engineering Computation and Algorithmic Thinking (ENGR 102, MTH 112z)
CS 290 - Web Development (CS 162)
CS 325 - Analysis of Algorithms (CS 261, MTH 231)
CS 331 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence (CS 325)
CS 463 - Senior Software Engineering Project (CS 462)
CS 464 -Open Source Software (CS 261, CS 361)
CS 474 - Operating Systems II (CS 344, CS 271)
CS 493 – Cloud Application Development (CS 290, CS 340, CS 372)
SE 467 - Software Start-up II (CS 466, CS 492, co-req CS 493)

Summer 2025

MTH 251 - Differencial Calculus (First Session 4-Week)
MTH 252 - Integral Calculus (Second Session 4-Week)