Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information, students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.
Environmental Sciences Courses by Term
All information is subject to change
2024-2025 Academic Year
Fall Term 2024
Basic Science and Math Requirements:
BI 221 (4) Principles of Biology I (prereqs CH 121 or CH 231/261; may be taken concurrently)
CH 121 or CH 231/261 (5) General Chemistry (prereq. MTH 111)
MTH 251 (4) Differential Calculus (prereq MTH 112)
PH 201 or PH 211 (4) General Physics (recommended MTH112/ recommended MTH 252)
ST 351 (4) Introduction to Statistical Methods
Environmental Sciences and Humanities Core:
ENSC 101 (1) Environmental Sciences Orientation
Natural Environmental Systems
GEO 221 Environmental Geology (4) (Geosphere)
GEOG 340 (3) Introduction to Water Science and Policy (Hydrosphere)
Humans and the Environment
ECON 201 (4) Introduction to Microeconomics (Economics & Policy)
SOC 480 (3) Environmental Sociology (Environmental Ethics)
SUS 102 (4) Introduction to Environmental Science & Sustainability (Human Environment)
SUS 350 (4) Sustainable Communities (Human Environment)
FW 251 (3) Principles of Fish & Wildlife Conservation (Management)
RNG 455 (4) Riparian Ecohydrology & Management (Management)
Applied Ecology Option:
FES 341 (3) Forest Ecology (Ecology Studies)
RNG 353 (4) Wildland Plant ID (Field Methods)
FES 342 (3) Forest Types of the Northwest (Electives)
RNG 455 (4) Riparian Ecohydrology and Management (Electives)
Z 477 (4) Aquatic Entomology (prereqs BI 221-223) (Electives)
Conservation, Resources and Sustainability Option:
SUS 350 (4) Sustainable Communities (Society and Values)
SOC 480 (4) Environmental Sociology (Society and Values)
Experiential Learning
ENSC 410 Internship (Department Approval required)
Winter 2025
Basic Science and Math Requirements:
BI 222 (4) Principles of Biology (pre-req BI 221+ CH 121 or CH231/261 C- or Better)
CH 122 or CH 232/262 (5) General Chemistry (pre-req CH 121 or CH 231/261)
MTH 251 (4) Differential Calculus (pre-req MTH 112)
MTH 252 (4) Differential Calculus (pre-req MTH 251)
PH 202 or PH 212 (5) General Physics (recommended PH 201/pre-req PH 211)
ST 352 (4) Intro. to Statistical Methods (pre-req ST 351)
Environmental Sciences and Humanities Core:
ENSC 321 (3) Environmental Case Studies
NR 455 (3) replacing ENSC 452 capstone
Natural Environmental Systems:
Biosphere: BI 370 (3) Ecology (pre-req BI 211-213 or BI 221-223)
Humans and the Environment:
Environ. Economics & Policy: ECON 201 (4) Introduction to Microeconomics
Environ. Ethics: GEOG 333 (3) Environmental Justice
Human Environment:
ENSC 321(3) Environmental Case Studies sub for ENSC 479
Z349 (3) Biodiversity: Causes, Consequences, and Conservation (Human Environment)
Environmental Management (Choose one)
FES 365 (3) Issues in Natural Resources Conservation
RNG 341 (3) Rangeland Ecology and Management
FW 326 (3) Integrated Watershed Management
Applied Ecology Option:
Ecological Studies: RNG 341 (3) Rangeland Ecology and Management
Geographic Methods: GEOG 360 (4) GIS Systems & Theory
Applied Ecology Elective: FW 318 (3) Systematics of Mammals (EOY)
Conservation, Resources and Sustainability Option
Resource Management:
AEC 352 (3) Environmental Economics and Policy (pre-req ECON 201)
RNG 341(3) Rangeland Ecology and Management
SUS 304 (4) Sustainability Assessment
Experiential Learning
ENSC 410 Internship (pre-req Department Approval)
Spring 2025
Basic Science and Math Requirements:
BI 223 (4) Principles of Biology (BI 222 C- or Better)
CH 123 or CH 233/263 (5) General Chemistry (pre-req CH 122 or CH 232/262)
MTH 252 (4) Differential Calculus (pre-req MTH 251)
Environmental Sciences and Humanities Core:
ENSC 221 (3) Environmental Field Studies
Natural Environmental Systems:
Atmosphere: ATS 201 (4) Climate Science
Humans and the Environment:
PS 475 (4) Environmental Politics & Policy (Environmental Econ. and Policy)
FES 485 (3) Consensus and Natural Resources (Environmental Ethics)
GEOG 333 (3) Environmental Justice (Environmental Ethics)
FES 445 (4) Ecological Restoration (Environmental Management)
FW 323 (3) Mgmt. Principles of Pacific Salmon in the NW (Environmental Management)
Applied Ecology Option
Field Methods: BI 371 (3) Ecological Methods ^WIC (pre-req BI 370)
Applied Ecology Electives:
FES 440 (3) Wildland Fire Ecology
FES 445 (4) Ecological Restoration
FW 311 (3) Ornithology (EOY)
FW 481 (3) Wildlife Ecology (EOY)
Conservation, Resources and Sustainability Option
FES 445 (4) Ecological Restoration (Recommended BI 370)
Resources Management:
PS 475 (4) Environmental Politics & Policy
FW 323 (3) Mgmt. of Pacific Salmon
Society and Values:
FES 485 (3) Consensus and Natural Resources
GEOG 333 (3) Environmental Justice
Experiential Learning
ENSC 410 Internship (pre-req Department Approval)