Course Listing

Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.

OSU Course Catalog
OSU Class Search
OSU- Cascades Bacc Core Guide

Kinesiology Courses by Term

All information is subject to change

() = pre-requisites
L= Lab Course
E = Experiential Learning Course

2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall Term 2024

Required Supporting Courses

BI 231/241: Human Anatomy & Physiology I (5)
CH 121 or CH 231/261 (5) (MTH 111z or Higher) (5)

Kinesiology Core Courses

KIN 131: Introduction to Kinesiology (1)
KIN 206: Becoming Your Best Self (1)
KIN 312: Sociocultural Dimensions of Physical Activity (4)
KIN 324: Exercise Physiology (4) (BI 233 and CH 123)

Kinesiology Beyond the Core Courses

KIN 307: Seminar: Pre-Internship (1)
KIN 410: Internship (3-9) (KIN 307) E
KIN 425: Anatomical Kinesiology (4) (A&P Sequence) Lab
KIN 437: Physical Activity, Aging and Chronic Disease (4) (KIN 324 and KIN 325)

Winter Term 2025

Required Supporting Courses

BI 232/242: Human Anatomy & Physiology II (5) (BI 231/241)
CH 122 or CH 232/262 (5) (CH sequence must be taken in order)
MTH 112z: Elementary Functions (4) (MTH 111z or ALEKS 60 score)

Kinesiology Core Courses

KIN 206: Healthy Eating (1)
KIN 314: Adapted Physical Activity (3)
KIN 321: Biomechanics (4) (BI 231/241 and MTH 112 or MTH 251)
KIN 370: Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (3)
KIN 481: Critical Issues in Kinesiology (3) ^WIC (Recommended JR/SR standing)

Kinesiology Beyond the Core Classes

KIN 307: Seminar: Pre-Internship (1)
KIN 410: Internship (3-9) (KIN 307) E
KIN 325: Fitness Assessment & Exercise RX (3) (KIN 324) Lab
KIN 434: Applied Muscle Physiology (3) (KIN 324)
KIN 394: Resistance Training Program Design (3) (KIN 324 & KIN 325) Lab

Spring Term 2025

Required Supporting Courses

BI 233/243: Human Anatomy & Physiology (5) (BI 232/242)
CH 123 or CH 233/263 (5) (CH sequence must be taken in order)
MTH 112z: Elementary Functions (4) (MTH 111z or ALEKS 60 score)
H 100: Public Health(4)
NUTR 240: Human Nutrition (3) (CH 121 or CH 221)

Kinesiology Core Courses

KIN 206: Introduction to Research (1)
KIN 311: Motor Behavior (4) (BI 232/242)

Kinesiology Beyond the Core Courses

KIN 307: Seminar: Pre-Internship (1)
KIN 401: Research E
KIN 410: Internship (KIN 307) E
KIN 399: Tech in Kinesiology (3)
KIN 385: Therapeutic Exercise (4) (KIN 321) Lab
KIN 474: Exercies Physiology Lab Methods (3) (KIN 324, 325) Lab