Direct impacts are the result of OSU expenditures; indirect impacts occur as companies hire additional employees or supplies to support OSU purchases; and induced impacts result from the purchasing power of OSU employees.
Source: 2017 ECONorthwest
Economic Impact
Over the next nearly 20 years, OSU-Cascades will serve 3,000 to 5,000 students. Its expansion will support research and innovation, community engagement, and the regional and statewide economies.
Campus operations and construction — and the economic ripple effect they create — will bring more than $273 million to Oregon in 2034.
Through payroll, and the purchase of goods and services by the university, campus operations will have direct, indirect and induced economic benefits throughout the state.
Job Creation in Deschutes County and Oregon
As campus operations expand, new employees will be hired at the campus, and in local and statewide businesses.
Through increased employment at the campus and through indirect and induced jobs, contributions to state income taxes will increase to more than $4.8 million in 2034.