LGBTQ+ Student Resources
Supporting LGBTQ+ students is part of our commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion and ensuring all students have the resources they need to thrive.
Equal Rights Alliance (ERA) - Student Organization
The mission of our organization is to create a safe space for people interested and or invested in the LGBTQ+ community to discuss and promote equal rights on campus. This organization will foster the promotion of cultural and academic growth for OSU-Cascades students.
- Advisor: Lupita Gamez
All User Restrooms
Gender-inclusive all-user restrooms are available in the following locations:
- Tykeson Hall, first floor
- Obsidian Hall, second floor
- Residence Hall, first floor
- Ray Hall, zero floor & first floor
Gender-Inclusive Housing
All students have the option to self-identify their gender and the gender(s) they are interest in sharing housing with and every dorm room has its own restroom. Learn more about roommate matching and gender identity here.
Name/Gender Change
There are three options for changing biographical information such as name and gender in your OSU records (including your email address and ID card). Requests follow the same process as an Ecampus/Distance student on the Office of the Registrar webpage. For any questions please contact the Office of Enrollment Services at 541-322-3100.
Sexual and Gender Identity Reporting
Safe Zone Training is Offered at OSU-Cascades
Safe Zone trainings offer participants insights into the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals and those questioning their sexuality or gender and offers tools and resources to help them create an open and accepting learning and working environment for all people on the OSU-Cascades campus. Safe Zone signs may be posted by those who have completed the training and indicate a commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ students, colleagues and visitors.