The following terms and descriptions may help you understand more fully your Summary Page in your Program Budget, located in Box:
State General Fund
State appropriation (small school funds)
Mixed with RAM (RAM may going away soon due to OUS changing to HECC (Higher Education Coordinating Commission), where funding will most likely be outcomes based – graduation rates – still being determined)
Based on projected enrollment
Tuition & Fees
Based on projected enrollment
Provided Student Credit Hour Allocation to account for non-degree seeking students and students enrolled in courses that are not part of their major (total SCH for # of students enrolled in program courses/total student credit hours=% of total student credit hours x total tuition revenue for last fiscal year)
Academic Fees
Course fees
Incidental Student Fees
Not applicable to E&G Funds – only for Student Fees
Fee Remissions
OSU holds 10% of all tuition revenue for Financial Aid for our students
Other Revenue
Course Release Funds, workshop fees, other course revenue
For all faculty/staff associated with a Program. Please remember that OPE is an additional 50-60% of a person’s salary.
Student Worker salaries (for research support, requested TA’s)
General supplies for a program, instructional supplies, lab supplies
IT, Telecom & Postage
IT & Telecom expenses will be moved to a Central Admin index this year
Facilities O&M
Applicable to Admin accounts only
Professional Services
Guest Speakers, specific course needs (i.e. expedition course)
PD/In-State Travel
Approved amounts for faculty/staff for the fiscal year
Other Expenses
Outlier requests
Startup Costs
Funds granted for start-up packages
Capital Outlay
Capital Expenses (mainly for replacement furniture)
Expenses associated with course releases
42% of all department Salaries/OPE and Direct Operating Expenses (helps cover Administrative costs: IT, Facilities, Enrollment Services, etc.)
Full-time Equivalent
Calculates total full-time students (since not all students are full-time in each program – this is done through the IR Office in Corvallis, calculated based on SCH)
Counts actual number of students (bodies)
Break-even FTE
Number of full-time students to generate tuition/fees to cover program expenses
Target Enrollment Increase
Number of full-time students needed to generate tuition/fees to cover program expenses
# of Faculty FTEs
Number of regular faculty in a program
Approved term-to-term faculty
List of term-to-term faculty that were approved during the budgeting process