Budget Summary Glossary

The following terms and descriptions may help you understand more fully your Summary Page in your Program Budget, located in Box:


  • State General Fund

    • State appropriation (small school funds)

    • Mixed with RAM (RAM may going away soon due to OUS changing to HECC (Higher Education Coordinating Commission), where funding will most likely be outcomes based – graduation rates – still being determined)

    • Based on projected enrollment

  • Tuition & Fees

    • Based on projected enrollment

    • Provided Student Credit Hour Allocation to account for non-degree seeking students and students enrolled in courses that are not part of their major (total SCH for # of students enrolled in program courses/total student credit hours=% of total student credit hours x total tuition revenue for last fiscal year)

  • Academic Fees

    • Course fees

  • Incidental Student Fees

    • Not applicable to E&G Funds – only for Student Fees

  • Fee Remissions

    • OSU holds 10% of all tuition revenue for Financial Aid for our students

  • Other Revenue

    • Course Release Funds, workshop fees, other course revenue


  • Salaries/OPE

    • For all faculty/staff associated with a Program. Please remember that OPE is an additional 50-60% of a person’s salary.

  • Student

    • Student Worker salaries (for research support, requested TA’s)


  • Supplies

    • General supplies for a program, instructional supplies, lab supplies

  • IT, Telecom & Postage

    • IT & Telecom expenses will be moved to a Central Admin index this year

    • Postage

  • Facilities O&M

    • Applicable to Admin accounts only

  • Professional Services

    • Guest Speakers, specific course needs (i.e. expedition course)

  • PD/In-State Travel

    • Approved amounts for faculty/staff for the fiscal year

  • Other Expenses

    • Outlier requests

  • Startup Costs

    • Funds granted for start-up packages

  • Capital Outlay

    • Capital Expenses (mainly for replacement furniture)

  • Transfers

    • Expenses associated with course releases

  • Overhead

    • 42% of all department Salaries/OPE and Direct Operating Expenses (helps cover Administrative costs: IT, Facilities, Enrollment Services, etc.)

  • FTE

    • Full-time Equivalent

      • Calculates total full-time students (since not all students are full-time in each program – this is done through the IR Office in Corvallis, calculated based on SCH)

    • Headcount

      • Counts actual number of students (bodies)

    • Break-even FTE

      • Number of full-time students to generate tuition/fees to cover program expenses

    • Target Enrollment Increase

      • Number of full-time students needed to generate tuition/fees to cover program expenses

    • # of Faculty FTEs

      • Number of regular faculty in a program

  • Approved term-to-term faculty

    • List of term-to-term faculty that were approved during the budgeting process