For Researchers

As part of a top-tier Carnegie Foundation Research University, OSU-Cascades' growing research portfolio is supported by the expertise and talent of faculty researchers, research assistants, postdoctoral scholars and graduate students. Our research programs employ researchers at all levels who have been awarded grants and awards from federal and foundation sources including the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Education, and more.

Interesting in working at OSU-Cascades?

OSU-Cascades researchers belong to a community where academic and professional research careers thrive, and where individuals and teams advance solutions to global challenges.

Interested in joining us? Learn more.

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Contacts at OSU-Cascades

Shannon Lipscomb
Associate Dean for Research

Kristina Smith
Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Kira Lueck
Assistant Director of Business Services

Research Excellence Committee

Resources at OSU-Cascades

Research Updates from Associate Dean for Research

Pre- and Post-Award Grant Support

Software, Technology Purchases and Requests

Work with Undergraduate Student Researchers

Resources at OSU

Research Office

Steps to Advance Your Research

OSU Foundation