
Grants and Research

Proposal Submissions

Proposals: The Office for Sponsored Research and Award Administration (OSRAA) has oversight for all proposal submissions at OSU. Both OSU-Cascades and Academic Colleges support faculty/staff in proposals.

  • Proposals must be submitted through Cayuse and must include project narrative and a budget.
  • Work with pre-award support in your home college whenever possible. Kira Lueck can also provide support with preparing budgets and helping faculty to learn to use Cayuse. Shannon or Kira can help connect you with your home college pre-award support.
  • Please route proposals in Cayuse 7+days prior to the deadline for unit (Cascades/College) review so we can get them to OSRAA for their minimum of five working days to review and approve.
  • Pre-approvals. Proposals that have implications for space, large equipment, cost share, or F&A waivers must be approved, with appropriate signatures (see Forms), prior to routing in Cayuse. Email Shannon Lipscomb as soon as you are thinking of submitting with one of these needs (no later than two weeks prior to the deadline). She will assist with pre-review, approvals, and signatures.
  • Cover page and application contact information can be found here.
  • OSRAA provides resources and periodic training on Cayuse.

Award Monitoring

The PI (Principal Investigator) is ultimately responsible for monitoring their grants, but your Business Office is available to help.

  • Grant Reporting System (GRS)- GRS provides individuals with current financial status of their grant funds.  GRS is located here.
  • If you are having difficulties accessing your online grant reports or wish to delegate monitoring to a research assistant, please contact your Business Office for assistance.
  • Contact your Business Office whenever you have a question regarding a grant.

Business Office Support

Pre-Award* Post-Award
  • budget & budget justification development and/or review
  • facilitate all communications with OSRAA
  • Cayuse entry assistance
  • pre-index requests
*these services are available here when not provided by home unit in Corvallis
  • help prepare/review financial reports not completed by OSRAA
  • assist with effort reporting
  • assist with general grant management and questions
  • assist with cost share tracking
  • sub-award initiation and monitoring
  • rebudgeting support
  • no-cost extension requests
  • create detailed expense reports for PI, upon request
  • create financial forecasts for PI, upon request
  • monthly meetings with PI to review financials or other administrative tasks, upon request

For any of these supports, please reach out to Kira Lueck directly.

Resource Documents
Resource Links
Explanation of F&A Rates

Important Information

  • All research proposals must be submitted through Cayuse.
  • Equipment and furniture purchased with grant funds is the property of OSU, unless contract states otherwise. Please work with the Business Office for proper disposal.
  • Grant employees are also OSU employees. Employees 0.50 FTE or above are eligible for benefits (e.g., health insurance, paid time off, etc.), business cards, nametags, and vacation payout upon termination. Payroll liabilities will be charged to the grant index.
  • F&A waivers reduce the overall returned overhead to Cascades.

OSU-Cascades Contacts