Cascades Research and Scholarship Fellowship


To increase student engagement and remove barriers to experiential learning through research and scholarship mentored by OSU-Cascades faculty.


Each award (per student) includes:

  • $1000 award to the student account in winter term after enrollment is verified, typically after week 3. Please be aware that the scholarship can affect other sources of financial aid.
  • Up to $500 for student supplies and/or student travel related to the project, which must be spent by the student's graduation or one year from the date of award, whichever occurs first. Unused funds will be returned to the Cascades Fellowship program for award to future students.

Cascades Research and Scholarship Fellowship Eligibility

Student eligibility

  • All OSU-Cascades students are eligible (must be enrolled at OSU-Cascades for the duration of the fellowship through presentation of the finished project).
  • Fellowships are for individual students. The student must write the application. They can receive guidance from a faculty member, but each student must author their own application. Multiple students may work on the same project, but they should submit a unique project overview in their own words.
  • The student agrees to complete roughly 90 hours of work and present their work at a symposium or conference within 1.5 years of the award or before graduation, whichever is first.
  • The student agrees to complete an online form at the conclusion of the project to summarize accomplishments and impacts on their educational and/or career trajectory.

Faculty mentor eligibility

  • Mentor must be a faculty member at OSU-Cascades, or receive an exception by the Associate Dean of Research (for example, due to ongoing collaboration(s) and presence at OSU-Cascades). Email to request an exception 2 weeks prior to the deadline.
  • Faculty mentors agree to respond to requests for information to evaluate the impact of the Fellowship program, such as surveys, interviews about impacts (e.g., students’ acceptance to graduate school, job placement, etc.).
  • Faculty mentors must maintain a strong track-record of Fellowship Awardees successfully completing and presenting their projects to continue to be eligible for mentoring these Fellowships.

How to Apply

1. Student will connect with a faculty mentor to identify an appropriate project. The application form requires students indicate that they have approval from the faculty mentor for the proposed project. 

2. The application includes:

  • Information about the student and faculty mentor.
  • Description of the project (background, aims, methods, anticipated outcomes).
  • Role of the student, faculty mentor, and other students on the project.
  • Statement of anticipated impact on student’s education and/or career goals.
  • Budget for supplies and/or travel up to $500. 
  • Anticipated timeline for completion of the project through presentation.

3. The Cascades Research and Scholarship Fellowship application is open through November 18, 2024. 

4. Awardees will be notified in mid-December, 2024.

Review Criteria and Process

The review committee will be comprised of at least three faculty members from a diversity of disciplines. Reviewers will not participate in review of their own students’ applications.

After scoring of proposals with the rubric, additional considerations may be taken into account, if necessary based on limits to funding, including student financial need and representation of multiple disciplines.


Contact Dr. Shannon Lipscomb, Associate Dean of Research, OSU-Cascades.