A Year In Review: 10 of OSU-Cascades' Most Memorable Moments
Behind each of these stories you'll find our motivation — and it's you. We want you to gain the knowledge you need to pursue your dreams, for your children and grandchildren to live longer and happier lives, and your community to be a place of welcome. OSU-Cascades is here for you, now and into the future.
1. OSU-Cascades enrollment shows record increase in new first-year students.
This fall's incoming class of 204 first-year students was the largest in OSU-Cascades' history - a 17% increase over fall 2021. OSU-Cascades students also are taking more courses than in 2021. Full-time equivalency, the metric used to measure the number of academic credits taken per student, increased nearly 10%.
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2. World-renowned climate scientist spoke in Bend about urgent need to prevent worst impacts of climate change.
Michael E. Mann, one of the world’s most influential climate scientists, spoke in Bend about the urgent need to prevent the worst impacts of a climate crisis. OSU-Cascades' Elizabeth Marino, a researcher who studies how climate change affects human communities, introduced Mann. “The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back our Planet,” was hosted in partnership with Skeptoid Media.
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3. Planning begins for future innovation district.
Imagine what can happen when private industry, researchers and teams of student interns collaborate on solutions to our region, state and world's biggest challenges. That's the inspiration behind the campus's future 24-acre innovation district. Planning for the first eight-acre phase launched in 2022, with involvement by local economic and business leaders.
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4. OSU-Cascades researchers help attract $5.7 million
Research and other grant funding topped more than $5.7 million in 2021-2022, a record for the Bend campus. The funding supported diverse projects — from bat monitoring and conservation efforts, to training for high school teachers to expand access to computer science education, to finding ways to enhance resilience and belonging in young children.
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5. New Yorker calls Raquel Gutiérrez's "Brown Neon" a Best Book of 2022
First, the NBC Today show called out 18 books by Latino authors to read in 2022, including “Brown Neon: Essays” by Raquel Gutiérrez. Then the New Yorker recommended "Brown Neon" as among the "most captivating, notable, brilliant, thought-provoking, and talked-about books." Gutiérrez teaches poetry and creative nonfiction in the MFA in Creative Writing program.
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6. Innovation Co-Lab, Adam Krynicki receive statewide People's Choice award
The OSU-Cascades Innovation Co-Lab was awarded the Technology Association of Oregon's 2022 People’s Choice Award for exemplifying the spirit of the Oregon and SW Washington technology community. Co-Lab executive director Adam Krynicki, accepted the award, thanking students, faculty and alumni who have helped transform the Co-Lab into a resource for all of Central Oregon and beyond.
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7. VIDEO: After nearly 20 years, an on-campus Commencement Ceremony
OSU-Cascades was founded in Central Oregon in 2001 and its campus opened in 2016, but it wasn't until 2022 that it was finally able to host a large-scale event like graduation on the Bend campus. The unseasonable weather on the day of may have dampened graduates' mortar boards, but it didn't dampen their spirits or pride, nor that of the nearly 3,000 guests in attendance.
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8. Enrolled members of all federally recognized Tribal nations eligible for in-state tuition at OSU
OSU announced that enrolled members of all 574 federally recognized Tribal nations across America would pay in-state tuition. The policy applies to new and enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and covers all for-credit courses at OSU. OSU was established under the Morrill Land Grant College Act of 1862. The Morrill Act resulted in the seizure of nearly 11 million acres belonging to 250 sovereign Tribal nations, with little or no compensation.
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9. VIDEO: High school students get a taste of college life at Summer Academy
Last summer, about 130 high school students from Central Oregon and beyond experienced classes taught by OSU-Cascades faculty, outdoor adventures led by skilled recreation staff, evening social activities, and overnights in the residence hall during one-week Summer Academy sessions. The experiences gave participants a taste of college life, insight into college-level academics and career fields, and better equipped them for future college decision-making
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10. OSU launched $1.75 billion Believe It campaign
Throughout OSU, we do the unbelievable. Find sustainable paths through climate change. Create fresh water where there was none. Help young children build resilience. Train tomorrow’s educators. Build healthier communities. Central Oregon, with your help we’ll make the unbelievable possible at OSU-Cascades. Believe it!