Course Listing

Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.

Courses listed here are provided from the biology department at OSU-Cascades and Biology major courses offered at OSU-Cascades. Not all classes are required for Biology major.

OSU Course Catalog
OSU Class Search

Biology Courses by Term

All information is subject to change

2024-2025 Academic Year

() = prerequisites


Fall 2024

BDS 211: Use and Abuse of Data: Critical Thinking in Science (MTH 251 -- may be taken concurrently)
BI 198: Biology Seminar
BI 101: Environmental Biology
BI 221: Principles in Biology: Cells (CH 121 or CH 201 or CH 231/261)
BI 231: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
BI 241: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
BI 311: Genetics (BI 221, 222, 223)
BI 498: Senior Biology Field Test
BB 332: Molecular Medicine
BB 345: Python for Molecular Biologists
BB 450: General Biochemistry (CH 332)
CH 121: General Chemistry (MTH 111Z)
CH 231: General Chemistry (MTH 111Z)
CH 261: General Chemistry Lab (co-req CH 231)
CH 324: Quantitative Analysis (CH 233/263)
CH 331: Organic Chemistry (CH 233/263)                                                                               
MB 385: Emerging Infectious Diseases and Epidemics (BI 221/222/223)
MTH 111z: College Algebra (MTH 95/103 or placement ALEKS of 46%)
MTH 251: Calculus (MTH 112Z or placement ALEKS of 75%)
PH 201: General Physics (MTH 111Z and MTH 112Z)
ST 351: Introduction to Statistical Methods
Z 423: Environmental Physiology (BI 221, 222, 223)

Winter 2024

BI 102: Animal Biology
BI 197: Professional Development: Health Professions
BI 222: Principles in Biology: Organisms (BI 221)
BI 232: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology (BI 231, 241)
BI 242: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab (BI 231, 241)
BI 370: Ecology (BI 221, 222, 223)
BB 314: Cell and Molecular Biology (BI 221, 222, 223; CH 331)
BB 315: Cell and Molecular Biology Lab
BB 451: General Biochemistry (BB 450)
BI 498: Senior Biology Field Test
CH 122: General Chemistry (CH 121)
CH 232: General Chemistry (CH 231/261)
CH 262: General Chemistry Lab (CH 231/261)
CH 332: Organic Chemistry (CH 331)
GEOG 360: GIS I: Geographic Information Systems & Theory
MB 330: Disease and Society
MTH 111z: College Algebra (MTH 103/95 or ALEKS score of 46%)
MTH 112z: Elementary Functions (MTH 111Z or ALEKs score 60%)
MTH 251: Calculus (MTH 112Z or ALEKS score of 75%)
MTH 252: Calculus (MTH 251)
PH 202: General Physics (PH 201)
ST 352: Introduction to Statistical Methods (ST 351)                                                           
Z 349: Biodiversity: Causes, Consequences, and Conservation

Spring 2025

BI 103: Human Biology
BB 485: Applied Bioinformatics (BI 221 and BB 345)
BI 223: Principles in Biology (BI 221)
BI 233: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology (BI 232/242)
BI 243: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab (BI 232/242)
BI 319: Critical Thinking and Communication in the Life Sciences (BI 221, 222, 223; ST 351)
BI 445: Evolution (BI 311)
BI 498: Senior Biology Field Test (Summer Grads register in the Spring)
CH 123: General Chemistry (CH 122)
CH 233: General Chemistry (CH 232/262)
CH 263: General Chemistry Lab (CH 232/262)
CH 337: Organic Chemistry (CH 332)
MTH 112z: Elementary Functions (MTH 111Z or ALEKs score 60%)
MTH 252: Calculus (MTH 251)
MB 302: Microbiology (BI 221, 222, 223; CH 332)
MB 303: Microbiology Lab (co-requisite MB 302, and BI 221, 222, 223; CH 332)
PH 203: General Physics (PH 202)
Z 371: Vertebrate Biology (BI 221, 222, 223)
Z 372: Vertebrate Biology Lab (BI 221, 222, 223)