ESE Course Listing

Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.

OSU Course Catalog
OSU Class Search

Energy Systems Engineering Courses by Term

All information is subject to change


2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall Term 2024

ECON 201 - Microeconomics (MTH 111Z recommended)
ENGR 100 – The OSU Engineering Student
ENGR 201 – Electrical Fundamentals I (MTH 251, MTH 252)
ENGR 211 – Statics (MTH 252)
ENGR 390 – Engineering Economy
ESE 330 – Modeling & Analysis of Dynamic Systems (ENGR 202, ENGR 212, MTH 256, MTH 341 or MTH 264)
ESE 499 - Finite Element Analysis (Sr. Standing)
ESC 440 - Computational Methods for Engineers (MTH 256, MTH 264)
ENGR 415 – Engineering Capstone Design ((ME 333, ESC 331, ESE 355, ESE 360, IE 425, WR 227Z))
IE 425 – Industrial Systems Optimization (ST 314, MTH 341)
ME 310 – Introduction to Thermodynamics (ENGR 212 or ME 217, MTH 256)
MTH 251 – Differential Calculus (MTH 112z or placement)
MTH 256 – Applied Differential Equations (MTH 254)
PH 211 – General Physics with Calculus (MTH 251, co-req MTH 252)
CH 201 - Chemistry for Engineering Majors (MTH 111Z)

Winter Term 2025

BA 357 - Operation Management (ST 314, Jr. Standing)
ECON 201 - Microeconomics (MTH 111Z recommended)
ENGR 102 – Design Engineering & Problem Solving
ENGR 202 – Electrical Fundamentals II (ENGR 201)
ME 217 – Mechanical Engineering Dynamics (ENGR 103, ENGR 211, PH 211)
ESE 360 – Energy Consumption Analysis (ENGR 390, ME 310)
ESE 430 – Feedback Control Systems (ESE 330)
ENGR 416 – Engineering Capstone Design II (ENGR 415)
IE 415 – Simulation & Decision Support Systems (ST 314)
ME 333 – Thermodynamics II (ME 310)
ESC 332 – Heat Transfer (ME 331)
MTH 252 – Integral Calculus (MTH 251)
MTH 341 – Linear Algebra (MTH 254)
PH 212 – General Physics with Calculus (PH 211)
CH 202 - Chemistry for Engineering Majors (CH 201)

Spring Term 2025

BA 357 - Operation Management (ST 314, Jr. Standing)
ENGR 103 - Engineering Computation & Algorithmic Thinking (ENGR 102, MTH 112Z)
ESE 355 – Energy Regulation (ENGR 390)
ESE 450 – Energy Generation Systems (ME 310)
ESE 470 – Energy Distribution Systems (ENGR 202, ME 310)
ESE 471 – Energy Storage Systems (ENGR 202, ME 310)
IE 212 – Computational Methods for Industrial Engineering (ENGR 103)
ESC 395 – Engineering Project Management (ENGR 390)
MTH 254 – Vector Calculus I (MTH 252)
ESC 331 - Introductory Fluid Mechanics (ME 310)
ST 314 – Intro to Statistics for Engineers (MTH 252)
PH 213 – General Physics with Calculus (PH 212, MTH 254)
COMM 1114 - Argument and Critical Discourse
CH 205 - Chemistry Lab for CH 202 (CH 202)

Summer Term 2025

MTH 251 - Differential Calculus (First Session 4-Week)
MTH 252 - Integral Calculus (Second Session 4-Week)