Engineering Science
Apply by Feb. 3
Priority application deadline for fall 2025. Apply by Feb. 3 for full scholarship consideration.
Engineering Science
Today’s technological and societal challenges are becoming more complex and multidisciplinary. To address this need, we looked at engineering programs across the country. We asked employers what they look for in future employees. We challenged our engineering faculty to create a curriculum that exceeded their own expectations. Because your future is our biggest priority.
The OSU-Cascades engineering science program provides students with a broad foundation in engineering fundamentals. It's designed to prepare you to work across engineering disciplines for companies such as Century West Engineering, Microsemi, and Tribe Pilot, who are looking for engineers with diverse skills.
You'll take courses in mechanical, electrical, and materials engineering, as well as computer science, during the first two years. In the third and fourth years, you'll follow your passion by concentrating on engineering science, energy systems, or computer science.
Our Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science degree is designed with your career in mind.
Program Information
Energy Systems Engineering Option
The Energy Systems Engineering Option provides Energy Science students with the opportunity to focus on the design, processes, and systems used to convert, distribute, and store energy.
Individualized Track Option
Select your own individualized track option.
A total of 180 quarter credits are required to graduate, including 60 upper-division credits. Requirements include:
Baccalaureate core: 28-33 credits
Engineering requirements: 147 credits
Degree Checklist and Guides
Engineering Science Checklist (PDF)
Transfer Guides
Engineering Science Transfer Guides
Academic Progression Model
Academic Progression Model requires students to maintain a 2.5 OSU GPA and earn 65% of the credits they attempt at OSU. College-specific progression standards apply to all students in the College of Engineering. These standards relate to staying in good academic standing within your major and are different from staying in good standing with OSU.
Undergraduate Academic Progression Model
Four-Year Sample Plan and Curriculum
A degree pathway is important to student success. To help you explore your major coursework and for you to begin the process of creating an individualized academic plan, we have created a sample four-year plan for the Engineering Science major.
Engineering Science Flowchart
Engineering Science Sample 4-Year Academic Plan
Using the following course forecast information students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans.
Upon successful completion of the program, students will meet the following learning outcomes:
- Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
- Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
- Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
- Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Only program of its kind offered by a public university on U.S. West Coast
6% employment growth forecast in general engineering
You’ll be in demand in fields from healthcare to sustainable energy generation to manufacturing
Our world needs problem solvers
“The world’s most critical challenges are not divided into specialized engineering areas. More and more, we need engineers who can see the big picture, as well as dive into different expertise areas in order to effectively bridge gaps, communicate across teams and creatively solve problems.” – Rebecca Webb, Program Lead, Instructor
Gain real-life experience before you graduate
The capstone is the hallmark of the OSU engineering experience. The year-long senior course challenges student teams to bring their broad engineering knowledge to the forefront and work with an industry client on a real-world problem. Teams design, build and test a solution with surprising and successful results.
Career Options
Job opportunities for graduates of this degree program include:
Design engineer
Test engineer
Electro-mechanical engineer
Electronics engineer
Instrumentation engineer
R&D engineer
[Fill in the Blank] engineer
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