Career Fairs

OSU-Cascades Career Fairs

Upcoming Cascades Career Fair

Spring 2025 All-Industries Career Fair
Tuesday, April 15  from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. | Location: Ray Hall Atrium, OSU-Cascades Campus

If you are interested in attending our All-Industries Spring Career Fair, please email, and we would be happy to send you a link to apply. Because space is limited, we do our best to accommodate a wide range of employers in industries that cater to all our students and their field of study. 

We consider the following:

  • Those offering job or internship opportunities to undergraduates, recent graduates, and soon-to-be graduates
  • Having a range of business types (private, non-profit, government, etc.)
  • Those in Central Oregon and other popular destinations for our students

Important dates to remember:

  • March 21: Priority application deadline
  • March 25: Date you’ll hear back from us if you apply by March 21
  • March 28: Final deadline to apply if space remains
  • April 1: Date you’ll hear back from us if you apply after March 21

Corvallis Career Fairs

The Career Development Center in Corvallis hosts several career fairs each term in addition to virtual career fairs throughout the year.

  • If you would like to be considered for an invitation to the Spring Career Fair, please complete the Industry Career Fair Interest Form.
  • Upon completion of the Interest Form (above), employers will receive an invitation to officially register for the event via Handshake.
    • We are requiring invited employers to officially register in Handshake because Handshake is the employment platform for OSU-Cascades students and alumni. Please post your employment and/or internship opportunities in Handshake so students can explore options before and after the career fair.

    • If you are new to Handshake, you will need to create an employer account.

    • Please email the OSU-Cascades Career Development Center, if you are no longer able to attend the fair. We have an industry waitlist and we want to offer your space to another employer.

  • For lodging options, please see the local listing at Visit Bend.

  • Please DO NOT send materials to the Career Development Center office. We are unable to accept, store, or transport employer materials to the event location.
  • Each employer will be provided with a 5 foot x 2 foot table and 2-4 chairs.
    • If you are bringing upright banners or other marketing tools, they need to be free-standing as well as fit behind the table and chairs.
    • Please ensure your displays will not impede event traffic or the space of your neighbors at the career fair.
  • Feel free to bring a tablecloth or banner that can hang from your assigned table.
  • Feel free to bring company swag (draws students to your table).
  • Students expect employers to bring business cards as well as job description handouts that highlight employment or internship opportunities.  We encourage you to bring enough to hand out to interested students.

  • If you have requested access to electricity, we will do our best to accommodate your request, but with limited access we cannot guarantee that it will be available.

  • Wi-Fi is available on campus. Please keep in mind that many employers and students will be utilizing Wi-Fi access during the event, and speeds may be compromised. If you require high speed internet, we suggest that you explore other options of accessing the internet.

  • Employers may arrive at Ray Hall to check-in and set up 1 hour before the event start time.
  • Parking is included for the day of the event (registered employers will receive parking permits via email).
  • A 6-foot table and two chairs are provided. Signs will be on your table for easy identification.
  • Two representatives are included in your registration. You may have up to four reps at your table.


10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Employer set up
11 p.m. to 1 p.m. Career Fair opens to students
1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tear down

  • Please review Oregon State University's employer policies before your visit to campus.