How to Use the Workload Unit Planner Page


  • In your Program Budget File in Box, locate the WUs Planner tab along the bottom. 
  • Click here for visual instructions

  • Fill in the names of your faculty into the table and select the type of faculty position from the drop down menu. This will populate the table with expected WU for each category. If a faculty member has a unique effort distribution, type this in separately. If you are proposing a NEW faculty line, indicate the position as NEW in this table and select the position type.

  • List your program’s courses in numerical order (not by term) in the table. Do not include a space between the course identifier and the number (e.g. BA332, not BA 332). Fill in the number of credit hours for each course and the multiplier that has been approved by the Dean. 

  • NEW - Please indicate your program's CORE courses (those that every major student must take), in RED font.

  • Create the schedule of courses by indicating the faculty member who will teach each class in the offered term (if you completed the table at the top, the names should be available in a pull-down menu). This step will give you a running tally of the WUs for each faculty member and will create a draft WU page for each faculty member in the next tab, Faculty WU Report. Remember, you will need to think about staffing into the future, so if your program is one that is filling courses, think through that timeline. For existing programs, please plan on teaching all of the courses that you need for a student to fully take all four years of their program at OSU-Cascades. We want to serve our students well on our campus.

  • Consult the Table of Course Enrollments to evaluate historic enrollments. Examine this data, particularly with your advisor. Determine how many times you may need to offer a given course based on past enrollments. For instance, if you are offering a class twice in a year and have enrollments under 20 in each course, you should probably offer it only once. If you have large enrollment courses, is it time to offer a second section? Your advisor may also have important insights into the best terms for various courses or to recommend trailing sections in sequence or prerequisite courses.

Faculty WU Report

  • On the next tab, a Faculty Workload Unit (WU) Report is created automatically for each faculty member that you entered into the Workload Planner and assigned work to. Select each faculty member and the fiscal year you're interested in, using the pull-down menus. Do not change anything on this report. If you need to make changes to a course assignment, do so on the WU Planner tab.