Professional Development

What Are Professional Development Funds?

The Student Fee Committee annually allocates fees for professional development funds.  This subsidy provides individual students with funding to cover costs associated with attendance to conferences, training courses, and other professional or personal development opportunities that financial constraints may otherwise prevent them from accessing.  Applicants are able to receive up to $300 to subsidize their opportunity, or their total ask if it falls below this threshold.


Subsidies do not include funding for credit-bearing classes, or any educational activity or materials central to the obtaining of a degree (inquiries of this nature should be addressed to the Office of Financial Aid). They also do not include funding for job searches or graduate school applications. Each student may only receive / use Professional Development funds once per academic year. (This means you are welcome to apply multiple times if for some reason you don't receive or don't use the funding)


Application Process

The Professional Development Request Application must be completed and submitted to the SFC, and the application will be considered on a rolling basis during all academic terms and voted on during the weekly SFC meetings. Applications must be submitted at least 24 hours before the weekly SFC meeting directly prior to the event. SFC will reach back out with a decision, barring extraneous circumstances, within 1 SFC meeting of when the application is submitted. Applicants are also welcome to present their request at any public SFC meeting but must reach out to the SFC Chair at at least 3 days prior to the meeting to get on the agenda. Professional Development applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are currently being accepted.



Service To Campus

Each student who receives professional development funds will be required to complete a service to campus. A service to campus is what a student brings back to share their experience with the rest of campus.  All students approved must at least complete a 2-page paper in MLA format about your experience that will be posted on the school website. This paper is due two weeks after your event has ended, if not completed compensation will not be received.  Applicants are free to do a larger project for this, and may reach out to the SFC to inquire about future campus opportunities they could be involved in.   

All Services to Campus must be sent to after they are completed. They will be recorded and posted on the SFC website so that future students may continue to learn about professional development opportunities and the unique information shared at these events. 


Need More Information?

Contact the Campus Development Coordinator.