Course Listing

Students are responsible for tracking their degree progress and for completing their degree requirements. Using the following course forecast information, students will plan ahead and work with their advisor to create and update academic plans. 

Note: The course listing page includes information about which NR requirement each course meets in the Fish and Wildlife option. Students doing an Ecampus option or an ISO should work with their advisor directly to confirm they are meeting all requirements.

OSU Course Catalog
OSU Class Search

EOY = Every other year courses

Natural Resources Courses by Term

All information is subject to change

2024-2025 Academic Year


Summer 2024: Subject to Change

BI 221 (4), BI 222 (4), BI 223 (4) -- General Biology Series (prereq CH 121 or CH 231/261) (Biology)

BI 375 (4) Field Methods in Ecological Restoration (contact instructor for approval) (FW measurements class)

Fall 2024: Subject to Change

Foundation Courses & Communication
NR 201 (3) Managing NR for the Future (Foundation class)
COMM 321 (3) Intro to Comm Theory (Advanced Communication)

Biophysical Sciences & Math
BI 101 (4) Environ. Biology (Note: 200-level Bio highly recommended for grad school) (Biology)
BI 221 (4) Principles of Biology (co/prereq CH 121/CHEM 231/261) (Biology)
CH 121 (5) or CH 231/261 (5) (Chemistry)
GEO 221 (4) Environmental Geology (Earth Science)
MTH 251: (4) Differential Calculus (Mathematics)
ST 243z (4) Principles of Statistics (Statistics)
ST 351 (4) Intro to Statistical Methods (Statistics)

Resource Management
FES 341 (3) Forest Ecology (note: advisor can override BI 221-223 prereq) (Forestry)
RNG 353 (4) Wildland Plant Identification (Veg ID)
RNG 455 (4) Riparian Ecohydrology & Management (Land & Water)
SUS 350 (4) Sustainable Communities (Environmental Assessment)
Z477 (4) Aquatic Entomology (BI 221-223 prereq) (Animal ID)

Social and Political Dimensions
GEOG 340 (3) Intro to Water Science & Policy (Natural Resource Policy)
ECON 201 (4) Intro to Microeconomics (Economics)
TRAL 353 (4) Nature, Eco, and Adventure Tourism (Social Issues)
SOC 480 (4) Environmental Sociology (Social Issues)

Fish & Wildlife Option
FW 251 (3) Fish and Wildlife Conservation (FW option requirement)
FES 342 (3) Forest Types of the Northwest (FW option requirement)

Winter 2025: Subject to Change

Foundations of Conservation
NR 202 (3) Natural Resources Problems and Solutions 
NR 455 (4) NR Decision Making (FES 485 and ENSC 321/WIC class prereqs) (Senior Capstone)

Biophysical Sciences & Math
BI 102 (4) Animal Biology (Note: 200-level Bio recommended for NR majors)
BI 222 (4) Principles of Biology (Biology)
BI 370 (3) Ecology (BI 221-223 prereq) (Ecology)
MTH 112z (4) Trig/Elem Functions (Mathematics)
ST 243z (4) Principles of Statistics

Advanced Communication
COMM 322 (3) Advanced Communication Class 

Resource Management
RNG 341 (3) Rangeland Mgmt (Range)
SUS 304 (4) Sust. Assessment (Environmental Assessment)   
FW 323 (3) Management of Pacific Salmon (Fisheries & Marine Science)
FW 318 (2) Systematics of Mammals offered Winter 2025 (EOY); FW 312 offered Winter 2026 (Animal ID)
Social & Political Dimensions
ECON 201 (4) Intro to Microeconomics (Economics)
AEC 352 (3) Environmental Econ (prereq ECON 201)
FES 365 (3) Issues in Natural Resources Conservation (Social Issues)

Spatial Analysis
GEOG 360 (4) GISCIENCE (Spatial Analysis)

Fish & Wildlife Option
FW 350 (3) Endangered Species, Society, and Sustainability 
FW 370 (4) Conservation Genetics (BI 221-223 prereq) 
ENSC 321 (3) Case Studies (Writing-Intensive Course + FW elective; required prereq for Senior Capstone)

Spring 2025: Subject to Change

Foundations of Conservation
FES 485 (3) Consensus and NR (prereq for Senior Capstone)

Biophysical Sciences & Math
BI 103 (4) Human Biology (200 level Bio preferred for NR majors)
BI 223 (4) Principles of Biology     
MTH 112z (4) Elementary Functions
MTH 241 (4) Calculus for Management and Social Science
MTH 245 (4) Math for Soc Sci/Mgmt
ATS 201 (4) Climate Science (Climate Science)

Social & Political Dimensions
GEOG 333: Environmental Justice (Ethics & Philosophy)
PS 475 (4) Environmental Politics and Policy (Political Science)

Resource Management & FW Option Requirements
FW 255 (3) Field Sampling (FW measurements class)
FES 440 (3) Wildland Fire Ecology 
FES 445 (4) Ecological Restoration (Recommended: FES 341 or BI 370) 
FW 326 (3) Integrated Watershed Mgmt 
Z 349 (3) Biodiversity: Causes and Conservation (FW option elective)
FW 481 (3) Wildlife Ecology offered Spring 2025 (EOY) (FW option)
FW 311 (3) Ornithology offered Spring 2025 (EOY) (FW option)
Note: FW 317 NOT offered Spring 2025; will be offered Spring 2026