
May 9, 2022 | 6-7:30 PM | Virtual Event

Perspectives and Complexities of Responsible Offshore Wind Development in Oregon


Flaxen D L Conway, Director, Marine Resource Management Graduate Program, Professor / Extension Specialist, Oregon State University / Oregon Sea Grant

Learning to adapt to change is a daily practice. “Think global. Act local. Now.” is a saying that reflects geospatial and temporal perspective. Large complex issues such as climate change, energy and food security present us with challenges and the need for thoughtful, creative, and complementary solutions. Renewable energy, on land and at sea, are among the many potential exciting solutions in consideration and practice. There are, however, no silver bullets and finding lasting solutions come with the need for careful consideration, being explicit about the tradeoffs, and minimizing the negative impacts.

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April 11, 2022 | 6-7:30 PM | Virtual Event

On the Road to Recovery: Promoting Resiliency with Children and Early Educators


Shannon Lipscomb, CPHHS Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences, OSU Cascades

Barbara Brody, CPHHS Associate Professor of Practice, OSU Extension in Malheur County

What is resilience and how can we help children develop it? Although quality child care and early learning can boost resilience, few early educators receive the support they need to strengthen resilience in themselves, one another and the children they care for.

Join CPHHS Associate Professor Shannon Lipscomb of OSU-Cascades and CPHHS Associate Professor of Practice Barbara Brody of OSU Extension in Malheur County as they discuss how early educators can nurture resilience through daily interactions with children and their families – and how community members like you can contribute to their success.

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March 14, 2022 | 6-7:30 P.M. | Virtual Event

Investigating how COVID-19 proteins stick to viral RNA | Taking research from the lab to the dance floor

Heather Masson-Forsythe

Heather Masson-Forsythe, PhD Candidate, Biochemistry & Biophysics, OSU

Throughout her research project on characterizing the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid phosphoprotein and protein-RNA interactions, Heather used the social media app, TikTok, to document what it’s like to be a scientist trying to make research contributions to the ongoing global pandemic, and has accumulated over fifty-thousand followers and created many videos reaching hundreds of thousands of views.  Additionally, she has gone a step further and turned this research into a dance which recently won the "Dance Your Ph.D" competition by Science Magazine.

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February 14, 2022 | 6-7:30 P.M. | Virtual Event

Clearing the Haze Around Wildfire Smoke's Impact on Wine

Cole Cerrato

Cole Cerrato, Post Doc Scholar, Food Science Technology, College of Agricultural Sciences, OSU

Unlike nearly every other crop, wine grapes are particularly sensitive to wildfire smoke, often acquiring ‘burnt’, ‘ashy’, or ‘campfire-like’ sensory characteristics after fermentation. Researchers at Oregon State University have been investigating which chemicals in smoke have the greatest impact in wine and how best to mitigate the off-flavor characteristics of smoked-affected wine.

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November 8, 2021 | 6-7:30 P.M. | Virtual Event

Your Christmas Tree: What does a grower do in the 7-12 years before you cut a tree?

Chal Langren - OSU Extension

Chal Landgren, Professor, OSU Extension Christmas Tree Specialist, OSU

Many consumers assume Christmas tree growers simply plant a tree, wait 8 years and then collect the money. The reality is much different. We will take a look at what it takes to grow a quality Oregon Grown Real Tree- from seed to final product.

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October 11, 2021 | 6-7:30 P.M. | Virtual Event

To Boldy go: why scientists and social justice warriors need star Trek

Jose-Antonio Orosco

Jose-Antonio Orosco, Professor, Philosophy, School of History, Philosophy and Religion, OSU

Sharing examples from the Civil Rights Movement to the work of Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, Orosco will demonstrate how Star Trek, and science fiction in general, is an important tool for those interested in fighting to make the world a better place.

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September 21, 2021 | 6-7:30 P.M. | Virtual Event

How to Teach a Two-Legged Robot To stand, walk, run, hope and skip

Dr. Alan Fern

 Alan Fern, Professor, Computer Science; Associate Head of Research, College of Engineering, OSU

 Join Dr. Alan Fern as he explores the recent advances by the Dynamic Robot Laboratory at Oregon State University in bringing us closer to achieving reliable bipedal robot locomotion in natural environments.  

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May 25, 2021 | 6-7:30 P.M. | Virtual Event

The Prototype Development Lab: Connecting with Business to Create Groundbreaking Products


John Parmigiani, Associate Professor, Director of the Prototype Development Lab, Director of Industrial Research, Capstone Coordinator, School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, OSU

Arthur Wells & Jacob Porter, PDL graduate students, OSU; Kinsey Popham, PDL undergraduate student, OSU

The Prototype Development Lab (PDL) is located in the College of Engineering at Oregon State University. The PDL engineers, designs, and creates mechanical devices and software for clients.  Learn about how John has continued growing this community resource, and hear first hand from some of his students about the impact the program is making on them, as well as how they are positively impacting the community through their work.  

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