Thank you immensely for mentoring a teacher candidate through their final placement. You are providing an amazing gift to our future educators!
Second Placement Schedule:
For winter term (January until spring break)---Candidates will join you in your classroom, all day Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays until 1pm (roughly 21 hours per week).
For spring term (after Spring Break until Friday, June 13th) : Candidates will join you in your classroom all day Monday Friday (40 hrs / wk) and will be following your contracted teaching hours.
Starting after spring break continuing through graduation, internship is all day (8 hours), five days a week (40 hours/week). For the entire spring term, candidates should take primary responsibility for the planning and be the lead teacher and assessor for at least half of the classes/subjects in internship. For at least 3 weeks (many TCs will do 5 to 6 weeks), candidates will assume all the responsibilities of running a classroom (all classes/subjects). This includes full-day teaching (co-teaching is acceptable), planning, grading, parent communication, supervision duties, and school activityPolicy for Teacher Candidate Absences involvement. This immersive experience will be great preparation for moving towards their own classroom. Each experience will be unique to the needs of the class, the Teacher Candidate, and the Cooperating Teacher.
Policy for Teacher Candidate Absences
Any school day that a TC misses because of an emergency or illness must be reported to you before 7:00 a.m. on the day they will be missing. However, we encourage our students to try to notify you well before 7:00 a.m (example: the night before) if at all possible. The manner of how the Teacher Candidate “reports” the absence to the Cooperating Teacher should be agreed on before the student teaching placement begins. Teacher candidates have a bank of excused absences to draw from for sick leave, emergency leave, or job search leave. These days are not for personal leave. TCs must log all absences and a short reason on the Monthly Log of Hours Calendar (ex: illness, job fair, job interview, family emergency, etc). This leave should not exceed 5 days during the first placement.
Inclement Weather Policy
This is what we have shared with students regarding district closures and delays:
During your placement, there may be times that the school district that you are teaching in is closed for inclement weather. On these days, you will not report to school. If your school is on a two-hour delay, please ask your Cooperating Teacher what time to report to school (often two hours later than normal, but not always). Please record a snow day/ school closure on your log of hours. These hours are not counted as part of your excused absences, as the closure is out of your control.
If you live in an area where the schools are closed due to weather, but you teach in a district where schools are open, you will not report to your school. The closure in your residing school district determines that it is not safe to drive. In this case, please reach out to your CT (Cooperating Teacher) and US (University Supervisor), and record a snow day/ school closure on your log of hours. These hours are not counted as part of your excused absences, as it is out of your control. If your residing school district is on a two-hour delay, please arrive when it is safe (likely two hours later) and reach out to your CT on what time you will to report to school.
The most important thing you can do is to maintain great communication with your CT and US. Giving them as much notice as possible will help them support you!
Observations and Evaluation:
Winter Term: Placement 2 (Part-time, M, T full days, W until 1pm)
SPRING TERM: Full time Placement #2 (M-F following contracted teacher hours)
Second Placement
Teacher Candidate will:
- Review all Part-time and Full-time Placement benchmarks with Cooperating Teacher. Establish mutually agreeable times for planning on a regular basis.
- Work with Cooperating Teacher to establish introductions with parents/guardians of students in classroom. This may need to occur more than once, depending on semester vs. trimester system in placement. Participate in parent conferences, if possible.
- Cooperating Teacher will sign off on TC hours at end of placement
- Work with Cooperating Teacher to prepare classroom environment for students, establish assessment and management plans.
- Attend orientation activities, on-site seminars, and school staff meetings.
- Talk to Cooperating Teacher about special needs students in your classroom. Review student files and attend IEP meetings if possible.
- Establish collaborative relationships with Cooperating Teacher and other colleagues at school site.
- Maintain a standard of professional ethics demonstrated through words and actions.
- Engage immediately in some regular classroom routines.
- Ask Cooperating Teacher to observe you informally while you teach and provide feedback on your teaching. Discuss the format/model for the Formal Observation Process with Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor well in advance of first Formal Observation.
Oral Examination (for Teacher Candidates in the MAT program only)
All teacher candidates qualifying for the MAT degree must pass an oral examination. The examination is scheduled during the teacher candidate’s final term (mid-May). Your Teacher Candidate will be excused from your classroom for a ½ day for his/her oral exam at OSU-Cascades. This absence is in addition to their 5 days of allowed leave.