Web-conferencing with Zoom
General information: https://is.oregonstate.edu/zoom
Zoom teaching info: https://is.oregonstate.edu/zoom/teaching
OSU-Cascades training slideshow (9/17/21): https://oregonstate.box.com/s/lwcujyoyigg0byyjr8aom6mswvmr4wii
Videos on how to teach in Zoom: https://media.oregonstate.edu/category/Help+Videos%3EClassroom+Technology/6374832
Obsidian, Tykeson and GRC:
- All have cameras and mics in the classrooms.
- Mics are available in each room or checkout through the library.
- The installed computer is used to join the meeting and record the meeting.
Ray Hall:
- Ray Hall 11/13 classrooms have cameras. Room is a BYOD which requires a laptop.
- Ray Hall classrooms that have a computer at the podium can join using the installed computer but there are no webcams in the room (outside of classroom 212).
- Ray Hall BYOD rooms must use a laptop connected via HDMI. If using mics for recording in Zoom, must plug laptop into USB (may need an adapter). There are no cameras in these rooms but can checkout the "Flex Kit" from the library. Generally cannot record via AirMedia (wireless presentation).