OSU Protection and Complaints Policies

OSU's Commitment

Oregon State University, as an institution of higher education and as a community of scholars, affirms its commitment to the elimination of discrimination and discriminatory harassment, and the provision of equal opportunity for all. An objective of Oregon State University is the creation and maintenance of a positive atmosphere of nondiscrimination in every phase and activity of university operations.
Harassment and intimidation can impede an individual's ability to participate fully in the educational process. Acts of discrimination, harassment and insensitivity hurt and degrade all members of the campus community whether victim, perpetrator, or observer. Every member of the university community is responsible for creating and maintaining a climate free of discrimination and harassment.


OSU Protections


Student records and privacy: Student records are maintained, only shared for relevant educational purposes, and otherwise require student consent for release.

Program/grade grievance and appeals, OSU-Cascades Process: A student experiencing a conflict with an instructor will complete the Appeal and Grievance Form 

Discrimination and Non-Discrimination policies: Students are protected from discrimination in all aspects of their education and may file complaints for concerns.

Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Religion: Religious accommodations and complaint process.

Report a Concern of Discrimination, Bullying, or Retaliation: Link to complaint form.

Report Sexual Misconduct: Link to complaint form.

When Dealing with Problems, OSU-Cascades DPT Students are Expected to Use a “Chain of Command”
  • Academic courses (as an individual): first, talk with the course instructor; second, with the assigned faculty advisor; and third, with the Program Director.
  • Academic courses (as a group): first, talk with the class president(s); second, the class president(s) presents the problem to the course instructor; third, the class president(s) presents the problem to the Program Director.
  • Clinical education experiences: first, talk with the Clinical Instructor (and/or your teammate for collaborative experiences); second, talk with the SCCE at the site; third, talk with the Clinical Education Coordinator
  • Personal Concerns: first, talk with the faculty advisor or Clinical Education Coordinator (if related to clinical education); second, talk with the Program Director.
  • Financial Concerns: first, talk with the Academic Program Coordinator; second, talk with the Program Director or Clinical Education Coordinator (if related to clinical education).


Complaints Against the Program (outside of due process)


Any individual or organization who has a complaint that falls outside due process with a student, faculty, or staff member is advised to file a written complaint against the program. The process for handling complaints is as follows:
  • When possible, the Program Director will discuss the complaint directly with the party involved within 14 business days. If at all possible, the matter is reconciled at this point.  A letter from the Program Director acknowledging resolution of the complaint will be filed with the complaint in the program’s files and a copy will be sent to the complainant.
  • If resolution of the complaint is not achieved, or if the complaint is against the Program Director, the involved party may submit a written complaint to the OSU-Cascades Dean of Academic Affairs.  The Program Director will also forward a written summary of any previous discussions when appropriate. The Dean may meet with each party separately and may meet with both parties jointly to reconcile the complaint. A letter outlining the resolution by the Dean will be filed with the complaint in the program’s files.
  • If satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the involved party may submit a written complaint to the OSU-Cascades Vice-President. A letter outlining the resolution by the Chief Academic Officer will be filed with the complaint in the program’s files for a period of five years. 
Complaints should be addressed to the appropriate person or persons below:
Alexandra Borstad, PT, PhD
Program Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Christine Pollard, PT, PhD
Senior Associate Dean
Sherman Bloomer, PhD
Chancellor and Dean