Learning Innovation Grants 2009-2010

Eight projects were funded in this period as detailed below for a total investment of $119,688.

Project Title New Equipment for Cascades Hall Classrooms 246, 247 & 248
Unit OSU-Cascades / Classrooms
Responsible Personnel Sandie Franklin
LIG Funding $18,915
Summary Description This project will add flexiblity to the identified classrooms in Cascades Hall. This new equipment will enable the remodeled classrooms to function as one large classroom, three smaller classrooms, or one moderate and one smaller room.

Project Title  SPSS Server Licenses
Unit  OSU-Cascades / Classes
Responsible Personnel  Sandie Franklin
LIG Funding  $8,838
Summary Description Due to an increase in enrollment and the number of programs using SPSS, an increase in the number of service licenses is required.

Project Title Electronic Resources for OSU-Cascades Students
Unit OSU-Cascades / Library
Responsible Personnel Laurel Kristick & Maureen Kelly
LIG Funding $19,960
Summary Description Requested funds are to be used to maintain and expand the electronic database, book, and journal collections. This request supports the University's goal of providing an excellent teaching and learning environment and supports diversity by ensuring that students have free and equitable access to academic resources that represent the spectrum of ideas and beliefs.

Project Title Digital & time Based Media Project
Unit OSU-Cascades / Art Program
Responsible Personnel Sandy Brooke & Henry Sayre
LIG Funding $10,255
Summary Description The project will set up a MacBook Lab with HD Camcorders to teach students to take and edit digital videos. This technology will be the foundation of an advanced Multimedia class and the Time-Based Art History course at OSU-Cascades.

Project Title Upgrades for Cascdes Hall 107 & 112
Unit OSU-Cascades / Classrooms
Responsible Personnel Sandie Franklin
LIG Funding $25,720
Summary Description This project will upgrade the image quality in the two IPTV classrooms in Cascades Hall. The goal is to make the student experience as personal as possible in a distance situation.                             

Project Title Projectors for Classrooms
Unit OSU-Cascades / Classrooms
Responsible Personnel Sandie Franklin
LIG Funding $16,500
Summary Description The projectors in the classrooms are nearing the end of their life cycle and need to be replaced. This project begins a replacement cycle for this equipment and begins with three projectors.                    

Project Title Document Cameras for Cascades Hall 107 & 112
Unit OSU-Cascades / Classrooms
Responsible Personnel Sandie Franklin
LIG Funding $11,500
Summary Description This project upgrades the document cameras in Cascdes Hall 107 & 112. Document cameras allow for a more spontaneous experience in the classrooms as a wider variety of materials can be shared without lots of preparation.

Project Title Crestrons for Classrooms
Unit OSU-Cascades / Classrooms
Responsible Personnel Sandie Franklin
LIG Funding $8,000
Summary Description This project will continue the upgrade of the enhanced classrooms in Cascades Hall. OSU Media Services  has offered the campus 5 color crestrons and OSU-Cascades will need to purchase 3 to complete the project. Keeping the rooms the same makes it easier for the faculty to move from room to room.