Learning Innovation Grants 2016-2017

Project Title Advanced visual capture system for science labs
Unit Biology
Responsible Person Pat Ball
LIG Funding $8,243
Summary Description 

The Wolfvision (VZ-C6) Ceiling Visualizer CCD Camera System  allows for live images and videos to be captured and transmitted as high resolution output to a pair of large screen monitors, which are located at the front of the room just above the current location of the instructor’s demonstration bench. The system makes it possible for the instructor to demonstrate critical laboratory methodologies to the entire class by way of one individual effort rather than a number of independent demonstrations that take place in front of a few students at a time.

Project Title

Total Station Technology for Experiential Learning and Outreach in Stream Restoration


Biology & Natural Resources

Responsible Person

Matt Orr & Ron Reuter

LIG Funding


Summary Description

This project will develop an experiential, place-based curriculum in stream restoration and forest management by obtaining a total station so that students in the biology and natural resources programs can conduct three-dimensional topographic surveys in local forests and riparian zones.

Project Title

Biopac data acquisition hardware and software



Responsible Person

Tim Burnett

LIG Funding


Summary Description

Biopac-Data acquisition system integrates with all standard computers to provide a multitude of biological and physiological testing techniques

Project Title

Smartphone microscope adapters for photomicrography



Responsible Person

Cole Davis (student) & Ann Petersen

LIG Funding


Summary Description

By attaching smartphones via an adapter to the ocular lens of a microscope, photomicrography and video-micrography can efficiently be taken to aid classroom and laboratory instruction.

Project Title

Wearable technology to enhance innovate counseling clinic supervision



Responsible Person

Amy Ford 

LIG Funding


Summary Description

Wearable wristband technologies help students and faculty track autonomic nervous system data on students and clients to improve student performance and client outcomes.