
Resume Guidebook and Tip Sheets

Use these guidelines and resources to create a winning resume that will help you get the job, internship, service opportunity, etc. you really want. Whether this is your first resume or your fiftieth, there is always something you can do to make your resume more effective.

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Virtual Resume Reviews

VMock, a 24/7 online resume review tool available to OSU-Cascades students, uses machine learning and natural language processing to provide you with instant personalized feedback on your resume or CV.

VMock is designed to work with resumes from many different fields. Once you receive the detailed feedback, make relevant changes to your resume and re-upload it to improve your score. (Tip – Getting a 100% score on Vmock is not the goal. Focus on improvement toward the green zone.)

Check out the VMock video and VMock User Guide to learn more and then begin the review process for your own resume. (Note that a virtual resume review is just a starting point. Schedule an appointment with the Career Development Center to further discuss your unique experiences and interests that can make your resume really stand out from the pile.)

Login to VMock

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

You may also need to create a curriculum vitae (CV), especially if you are applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions.  A CV, which includes more detailed information on your education and career, is also commonly used when applying for scholarships, fellowships and grants.

Access CV Samples

Electronic Applications

Online application systems are more sophisticated than they used to be. They now have the ability to scan both PDF and Word documents for keywords that relate to the job that you are applying for. Many online systems will attribute a score to your application based on how it aligns with the position that you are applying for. It is best to save and submit your resume as a PDF.

Email Applications

If you are emailing your application to an employer, include your cover letter in the body of the email and attach your resume to the email as a PDF file. This way your resume will look the same no matter who opens it and on what device. You can also attach your cover letter as a PDF so that it is easy for the employer to print. Label your attachments as “Last Name Resume, Title of Position” and “Last Name Cover Letter, Title of Position” so that your application is easy for the employer to find later on.

Hard Copy

If you are planning to print out your cover letter to drop off  in person or to take to an interview, it is best to print your cover letter on resume paper. You can purchase resume paper at Office Depot, Staples, or any other office supply store. We can also provide a small amount to you in the Career Development Center.