2022 Distinguished Student Awards

2022 Distinguished Student Awards

The Distinguished Student Award is one of the top student honors given at OSU-Cascades and recognizes one graduating student in each degree area for outstanding achievement in academics and contribution to their field.

J Parla


Jacob Parla

American Studies

From the faculty:

Jacob has proven his scholarly excellence across several disciplines. His ability to synthesize ideas from, for example, literature, art, and music, and to do it well, is the grounds for his distinction. He is also equally adept in writing critical essays on literature and art as he is in writing creative nonfiction and poetry. A poetry cycle he wrote for a course on the Vietnam War era comes to mind. He has a wide-ranging, creative mind. He has lived around the world, and his informed worldview enhanced class discussion. He was able to maintain a distinguished level of scholarly work during the pandemic while serving in the National Guard administering vaccines at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds, and also keeping his produce business afloat.


Kelly Vernon


From the faculty:

Kelley joined OSU cascades as a nontraditional student with a solid understanding of painting garnered from her studies at COCC but quickly developed a sophisticated voice that was honed through her life experience, research and dedication to the practice of making art. She adopted the role of mentor to many students and her ability to encourage others despite facing her own frustrations created a welcoming room for her fellow classmates. She set an example of what it looked like to push through the hurdles that was invaluable for the entire department. She will be joining the Bend/La-Pine school district as a substitute teacher to afford her the time needed to continue her art practice.

K vernon

Hanna Wilkins


Hanna Wilkins

Arts, Media and Technology

From the faculty:

Hannah is an excellent designer, artist and writer who excelled at pulling different concepts and approaches, allowing her work to be put in a historical context. She was a helpful presence with her peers ready with both critical feedback and encouragement. She is looking for graphic design jobs and will be an important voice in the field.


Ariel Atchley


From the faculty: 

Ariel was an excellent student and a genuinely extraordinary individual. She was a tireless worker, participating in several undergraduate research projects, including completing an internship at the High Desert Museum, all while continuing her progress through the degree program. Ariel is also a military veteran and is raising a young family. Ariel has a bright future in any further academic or employment endeavor she chooses to pursue.

Ariel Atchley

Loana Chopra


Loana Chopra

Business Administration

From the faculty:

Loana began her academic career meeting with her advisor for her START session and asked if it would be possible to graduate in three years (which she did). In her Orange & Black Business Ethics Case Competition, Loana was chosen by her peers to lead her team. Her team finished third out of 41 teams across two campuses. She then secured an internship with U.S. Bank. She leverages what she learns in the classroom and applies that learning for even greater results in external opportunities. She has obtained and completed internships with U.S. Bank, EDCO and Heart of Oregon Corps.


Nikita Rubocki

Computer Science

From the faculty:

Our distinguished student is a National Center for Women in Information Technology national research finalist, will graduate with honors, served as president of the local Hacker Refactor organization and is an Olympic Trial Skier. Not only does she “crush it,” but she leads and inspires those around her to crush it, too – every day. The computer science faculty are pleased to recognize Nikita Rubocki, who exemplifies so many qualities of our CS student culture: leadership, camaraderie, inclusiveness, excellence and care.

N Rubocki

A baise


Andrew Baise

Energy Systems Engineering

From the faculty:

Andrew has consistently been a top performer in all of our classes and he has done so with humility and grace. We have all appreciated and enjoyed having such an engaged and dedicated learner in our classrooms. Perhaps more important than his outstanding academic performance, has been Andrew’s attitude. He is an amazing member of the ESE community, stepping up to help whenever needed, being there for his fellow students, and just being fun and kind.

Ruby O'Donnell

Hospitality Management

From the faculty:

In addition to achieving high academic standards, Ruby has taken full advantage of every opportunity to learn and excel in hands-on experience. She worked full-time during her academic experience. She worked at Tetherow as a supervisor and now works at the restaurant Bosa. She has also worked with the Willamette Valley Visitors Association and is planning to work with them following graduation. She provided a significant level of contribution as a research assistant in her work on the Labor Research and Sustainable Tourism Lab.

Ruby O'Donnell



Dominique Minor

Human Development and Family Sciences

From the faculty:

Dominique is a passionate and inquisitive learner, always seeking out additional information and asking the challenging questions. As an HDFS student with a focus on early childhood, Dominique sought out several different placements for her practicums and internships so that she could learn a variety of approaches, including Aspen Academy Preschool and Bend Forest School. Her passion for early childhood, and her commitment to her professional growth shone brightly in these settings. She was offered a permanent position at Bend Forest School.


Barbara Sutton


From the faculty:

Barbara’s enjoyment for the field of kinesiology has shown in her passion and commitment to the degree and her motivation as a student. Not only does she respect her instructors and peers with her daily positive attitude, but has continuously shown her exceptional work ethic and excitement for the field of kinesiology during her time at OSU Cascades.

Barbara Sutton

Liliana Bernabe Hernandez


Liliana Bernabe Hernandez

Liberal Studies

From the faculty:

Liliana's academic work is impressive. She has interned at two law firms in the past several years. Her critical essays and her creative work are equally compelling. Reading her work in a public venue, she is composed and confident. During the pandemic there were a number of students who would linger after Zoom class meetings just to talk, maybe about the material, maybe just to be together. Lily was often among that group supporting her peers. She is not only a distinguished student but a distinguished human being.


Brendan Wilson

Outdoor Products

From the faculty:

The mission of the program is to educate and inspire future leaders for the opportunities and challenges in the outdoor industry. Brendan exemplifies this mission through both his academic excellence and his experiential-learning breadth. The best example of this breadth is his teamwork and leadership with his fellow students, globally recognized sustainability agencies, and local manufacturers to push trust, truth and transparency into the everyday ethos of a booming outdoor brand right here in Bend.

Brendan Wilson



Janessa Wells

Social Science

From the faculty:

Janessa deserves the Distinguished Student Award from Social Science because of her superior academic performance, her work as a campus leader and her well-defined research agenda that has helped prepare her for graduate school. She maintained high grades while serving as the ASCC Director of Student Advocacy. Janessa is applying to Master of Public Health programs that focus on community engagement, equity and environmental justice. Not only will she pursue an MPH degree after leaving OSU-Cascades, but Janessa will also develop further a company she co-founded in Liberia that focuses on converting diesel-operated electrical mini-grids to solar energy.


Yadhira Chavez

Teaching (Elementary Education)

From the faculty:

Yadhira is an exemplary representative of this group of future educators. She consistently displays the values of honesty, humility, willingness to take risks and dedication to her students. Academically, Yadhira is consistently a high performer. She seeks out feedback to grow in her knowledge about the various dimensions of teaching. She has been a leader in the classroom by humbly offering reflections about her own “challenges and triumphs” thus opening the door for other students to do the same.




Kiana Payne

Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership

From the faculty:

Kiana has been one of the most diligent, organized students we have had the opportunity to work with. She is also a person of distinct integrity.


Mary Kate Sperduto

Master of Counseling: Clinical Mental Health

From the faculty:

Mary Kate exemplifies a collaborative, holistic, wellness-based model of working with clients, infusing Relational-Cultural theory into all her work. She is an active contributor in all her course work, be it content-based or clinical-based. She embodies a sense of curiosity and self-reflection with the ability to integrate knowledge and skills. Mary Kate does not shy away from conflict, feedback, or striving for socially-just actions and practices. This dedication to social justice and cultural humility is present in her coursework, counseling skills, and interactions with those around her.



George Perez

Master of Counseling: School Counseling

From the faculty:

George balances a person-centered style while keeping in mind a student’s academic, career and social-emotional needs. His immediate supervisors at both his elementary and high school internships are inspired by his demeanor and have shared what a gift it is to work with George. He has demonstrated proficiency across the many roles of the school counselor. He effectively delivers large group curriculum instruction, small group counseling, and when working with families in student support meetings. George is a strong advocate for his students while ensuring that he is collegial and respectful when working with his supervisors, fellow school counselors, educators and K-12 families.

Jennifer Sparano

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

From the faculty:

Jennifer is an exceptional fiction writer. Her prose is what first draws the reader in: it is lyrical, although often spare. With vivid details she creates the world of her story and makes us care about what happens in it. Her characters are drawn with warmth and empathy and their dialog is spot-on. As in the best of fiction, even once you quit reading, the characters stay with you. She also supported her fellow student writers, reading their work carefully, giving them thoughtful feedback. She went out of her way to help others feel welcome and valued.




Jessica Laue

Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education

From the faculty:

Jessica is a lifelong learner, who is equally dedicated to high quality work at the university and in her student teaching placements. She actively seeks out feedback and embodies a growth mindset. Jessica has the heart and mind of an exceptional teacher, who always puts her students first. In the classroom, Mrs. Laue has an excellent blend of classroom management and a happy rapport with students. Her classroom exemplifies the warm and intellectually challenging classroom environment.


Jason Medina

Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Education

From the faculty:

The quality of Jason’s academic work was easily in the top tier, consistently exhibiting deep reflection, growth mindset and passion in his assignments at OSU-Cascades, while being generous and encouraging to his classmates. He obtained the top score of the cohort in his national teaching portfolio. In the Language Arts middle and high school classrooms, Jason is lauded by his mentors as being the kind of teacher students will be lucky to have, one who connects with their minds and hearts.
