Christopher L. Hagen, PhD, PE
Interim Director of Research & Assistant Professor
School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Oregon State University-Cascades
Tykeson Hall 319
Directory Profile
About the Director
Dr. Hagen is an expert in assessing the performance of unconventional fuels in advanced internal combustion engines, including advanced emissions testing, control systems and sensor development. Unconventional fuels—e.g., biomass, tailored liquid hydrocarbons, shale gas, and renewable jet fuel—are integral to a future clean domestic energy portfolio.
Dr. Hagen joined OSU-Cascades from Colorado State University (CSU) where he was an assistant research professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Prior to joining the faculty at CSU, Dr. Hagen was a lead research engineer at the Chevron Energy Technology company where he investigated novel fuels for advanced internal combustion engines. His previous industry experience also includes working as an application engineer for Woodward, Inc., a global energy system solution provider.
Research Interests
Energy systems
Hybrid Systems
Clean Water
Unconventional Fuels
Control Systems
Optical Sensors
Applied Thermodynamics
Fluid Mechanics
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering (Minor: Control Systems), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
M.S., Mechanical Engineering (Emphasis: Energy Conversion), Colorado State University, 2002
B.S., Mechanical Engineering (Minor: Manufacturing Management), Valparaiso University, 1997
Professional Awards, Memberships and Certifications
SAE Longtime Member Service Award – 10 Years, 2019 OSU Successful Spinout Award, 2019
SAE Ralph R. Teetor Faculty Award, 2017 OSU Faculty Innovator Award, 2016
OSU Excellence in Postdoctoral Mentoring Award, 2016
Popular Science Magazine’s “12 New Faces of Energy,” June, 2015 OSU-Cascades Scholarship & Creative Activity Award, 2015 Member, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
Member, The Combustion Institute
Former Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Former Member, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Professional Engineer, State of Colorado
Scholarship, Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), 1998