Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Tran, K., Niemeyer, K., Cannella, W., and Hagen, C. L., Sensitivity Analysis of the Low Temperature Combustion Index to Driving Cycle and Vehicle Specifications, SAE 2019 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2019; Volume 2019-01-0959, 2019,
- Lavrich Z., Taie Z., Menon S., Daly S., Halliday D., Hagen C.L., Internal Combustion Engines as Fluidized Bed Reactors. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, 2017, V001T03A001. doi:10.1115/ICEF2017-3524.
- Brown, S.P., Hagen C.L., Optimized Engine Performance for a 1 KW UAV Hybrid Powertrain, Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, 2017, Paper No. ICEF2017-3555, V002T05A004. doi:10.1115/ICEF2017-3555.
- Menon, S.K., Ganti, H., Hagen, C.L., Development and Testing of a Bimodal Internal Combustion Engine for a Self-Refueling Vehicle Application, SAE 2016 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2016; Volume 2016-01-1014. doi:10.4271/2016-01-1014
- Menon, S.K., Weyer, K., Pedersen, D., Hagen, C.L., Self-Regulating System for Natural Gas Cooling in a Bimodal Internal Combustion Engine, Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 2015, Paper No. ICEF2015-1126, pp. V002T07A010. doi:10.1115/ICEF2015-1126.
- Menon, S.K., Ganti, H., Wang, H., Hagen, C.L., Development and Analysis of Micro-Channel Heat Exchangers for Natural Gas Cooling, The 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, San Francisco, California, USA, 2015.
- Elgin, R.C., Daly, S., Hagen, C.L., Experimental Validation Towards a Self-Refueling CNG Vehicle to Provide Home Refueling, SAE 2014 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2014; Volume 2014- 01-1343.
- Echter, N.P., Weyer, K.M., Turner, C.W., Babbitt, G.R., Hagen, C.L., Design and Analysis of a Self- Refueling CNG Vehicle to Provide Home Refueling, SAE 2014 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2014; Volume 2014-01-1341.
- Boley, M., Hagen, C.L., Simulation of Turbocharged Marine Diesel Engine for Electrical Power System Trainer, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference, ASME: Torino, Piemonte, Italy, May 2012.
- Rath, J., Franka, I., Lee, B., Hagen, C.L., Yalin, A., Cappelli, M., Electric Field Measurements in Gases Using Cavity Enhanced Polarimetry, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA: Nashville, TN, January 2012.
- Zuehl, J.R., Ghandhi, J.B., Hagen, C.L., Cannella, W.J., Fuel Effects on HCCI Combustion Using Negative Valve Overlap, SAE 2010 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2010; Volume 2010- 01-0161.
- Hagen, C.L., Sanders, S.T., Application of a Novel White Laser Sensor to an HCCI Engine, SAE 2006 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2006, Volume 2006-01-1200.
Conference Proceedings, Selected Publications, & Posters
- Tran, K., Niemeyer, K. E., Hagen, C. L., Reduced Chemical Kinetics Model for Low-Speed Pre- Ignition Investigation, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2019 Fall Meeting, October 2019, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
- Benbrook, J., Hagen, C. L., Hybrid Powertrain Improvements for Increased Flight Duration in Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Systems, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) conference on Propulsion and Energy, August 2019, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- Kier, M., Taie, Z., Hagen, C. L., A Study of the Effect of Hydrogen on Gas Leak Detectors: A Step Towards Injecting Hydrogen into the Natural Gas Pipeline, 5th Annual OSU-Cascades Research and Scholarship Symposium, May 2019, Bend, Oregon, USA
- Taie, Z., Villaverde, G., Speaks, J., Hagen, C. L., Second law implications of utilizing hydrogen for energy storage, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2018 Spring Meeting, March 2018, Bend, Oregon, USA.
- Lane, M.R., Wager, D.R., Taie, Z., Hagen, C. L., Ethane cracker diagnostic development, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2018 Spring Meeting, March 2018, Bend, Oregon, USA.
- Daly, S., Hagen, C. L., Manin, J., Cenker, E., Pickett, L., Skeen, S., Visualizing fuel mixture fraction via high-speed extinction imaging of C70 Fullerene doped diesel sprays, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2018 Spring Meeting, March 2018, Bend, Oregon, USA.
- Taie, Z., Villaverde, G., Hagen, C. L., Hydrogen for Energy Storage: A Case for Storing Renewable Energy by Leveraging Existing Natural Gas Infrastructure, Energy Storage Symposium, November 2017, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, poster.
- Taie, Z.,Wagner, D.R., Hagen, C. L., Kinetic Study of Ethane Pyrolysis in an Internal Combustion Engine, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2017 Fall Meeting, October 2017, Laramie, Wyoming, USA.
- Lavrich, Z., Taie, Z.,Wagner, D.R., Hagen, C. L., Light Extinction Based Image Analysis Technique for Rotating Fluidized Beds, Western States Section Combustion Institute 2017 Fall Meeting, October 2017, Laramie, Wyoming, USA.
- Lavrich, Z., Wagner, D.R., Taie, Z., Halliday, D., Hagen, C. L., Dehydrogenation Catalysis in Rotating Fluidized Beds, , American Chemical Society, Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM), June 2017, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, presentation.
- Wagner, D.R., Lavrich, Z., Taie, Z., Halliday, D., Hagen, C.L., “Partial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons in Novel Fluidized Bed Reactors,” [Poster] The Combustion Institute, 10th U.S. National Meeting, 23- 26 April 2017, College Park, Maryland, USA, poster.
- Lavich, Z., Taie, Z., Menon, S.K., Beckwith, W., Daly, S.R., Halliday, D., Hagen, C.L., Internal Combustion Engines as Fluidized Bed Reactors, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 61, Number 20, November 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA, presentation.
- Taie, Z., Beckwith, W., Hagen, C.L., First and Second Law Thermodynamic Analysis of a Natural Gas Fueled Residential Standby Generator, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, SpringTechnical Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2016.
- Menon, S.K., Taie, Z., Hagen, C.L., Internal Combustion Engines as Chemical Reactors: Issues and Challenges, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, SpringTechnical Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2016.
- Brown, S.P., Menon, S.K., Hagen, C.L., Investigation of Scaling Laws for Combustion Engine Performance, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Fall Technical Meeting, Provo, Utah, USA, 2015.
- Menon, S.K., Ganti, H., Niemeyer, K.E., Hagen, C.L., Effect of Natural Gas Conditions on Combustion Characteristics and Overall Performance of a Novel Bimodal Internal Combustion Engine, 9th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2015.
- Brown, S.P., Hagen, C.L., Testing and Analysis of 2-Stroke UAV Engines, AIAA Region VI Student Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, 2015.
- Taie, Z., Beckwith, W., Hagen, C.L., Home Generator Benchmarking Program: Residential Natural Gas Fired Electrical Generator and MicroCHP, ARPA-E Energy Summit, Washington, District of Columbia, USA, 2015, poster.
- Niemeyer, K., Daly, S., Cannella, W.J., Hagen, C.L., A New Fuel Index for LTC Engines Based on Operating Envelopes in Light-Duty Driving Cycle Simulations, W1P084, 35th Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, California, USA, 2014, poster.
- Taie, Z., Hagen, C.L., Preventing Fuel Tank Oxygen Ingress for a Bimodal CNG Internal Combustion Engine, W1P134, 35th Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, California, USA, 2014, poster.
- Olson, N., Hagen, C.L., Quantified Measurement of Droplet Evaporation Rates of a Two Component Mixture, W3P021, 35th Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, California, USA, 2014, poster.
- Niemeyer, K.E., Cannella, W.J., Hagen, C.L., A New Fuel Index for LTC Engines Based on Operating Envelopes in Light-Duty Driving Cycle Simulations: Primary Reference Fuels, In Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Spring Technical Meeting, Paper 14S-20, Pasadena, California, USA, 2014.
- Elgin, R.C., Turner, C.W., Hagen, C.L., Combustion Chamber Design Considerations for a Compression Ignition Engine to Spark Ignited Natural Gas Engine Conversion, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Fall Technical Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 2013.
- Hagen, C.L., NGV Self-Contained Home Filling Station, ARPA-E MOVE Kickoff Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia, December 2012.
- Cannella, W.J. and Hagen, C.L., Fuels and Advanced Combustion Technology Research Activities, Chevron Global Downstream Technology Forum, Lafayette, California, USA, 2008, poster.
- Hagen, C.L., Fundamentals of Transient Thermal-Light Absorption Spectroscopy and Application to Optical Sensing in HCCI Engines, University of Wisconsin-Madison, PhD Thesis, 2006.
- Hagen, C. L., Sanders, S.T., Multispecies Sensing with a Single Laser Source in HCCI Combustion, 31st Symposium on Combustion, Heidelberg, Germany, 2006, poster.
- Kranendonk, L.A. , Caswell, A.W., Hagen, C.L., Gord, J.R., Fujimoto, J.G., Sanders, S.T., Broadband, High-Resolution Absorption Spectroscopy in Piston and Gas Turbine Engines, Shock Tubes, and Rocket Plumes, 31st Symposium on Combustion, Heidelberg, Germany, 2006, poster.
- Cherian, S., Hagen, C.L., Kirkpatrick, A., Willson, B., The Global Engine Laboratory - Data Acquisition and Control Over the Internet, Proceedings, 9th Technology Based Engineering Education Consortium (TBEEC). Nashville, Tennessee, 1997.
Manuscripts in Review or In Preparation
- Benbrook, J., Hagen, Two-Stroke Engine Mapping with Aerospace Testing Standard AS6971, SAE 2020 Small Powertrain and Energy Systems Technology Conference (SETC), Submitted.
- Taie, Z., Peng, X., Kulkarni, D., Zenyuk, I., Weber, A., Hagen, C., Danilovic, N., “Pathway to Complete Energy Sector Decarbonization with Available Iridium Resources Using Ultra-Low Loaded Water Electrolyzers,” Nature Communications, Submitted.
- Taie, Z., Villaverde, G., Speaks, J., Lavrich, Z., Hagen, C. L., “Hydrogen for heat: utilizing hydrogen for long term energy storage in northern climates,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Submitted.
- O’Hern, H., Nikooei, E., Zhang, X., Hagen, C. L., Abbasi, B., “Reducing the Water Intensity of Hydraulic Fracturing: An Introduction to A Novel Thermally-Actuated Nozzle-Demister Treatment and A Review of Wastewater Treatment Technologies,” International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Submitted.
- Kier, M., Blunck, D., Hagen, C.L., Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP-FTIR) Analysis of Pyrolysis of Sagebrush, poster abstract submitted to 2020 ASME IMECE conference.