Student Clubs

Student Clubs are an essential part of student life at OSU-Cascades and a great way to get involved. They provide opportunities for the development of educational, cultural, social and recreational aspects of our student community through the organization of activities and events.

List of Student Clubs

Club Events

Basic requirements for new clubs

  • Name
  • Minimum of 4 members
  • Comply with OSU's non-discrimination policy
  • Fill an unmet need (another club with the same purpose doesn't already exist)
  • Create a Constitution - (Constitution guidelines/template - we will work with you to develop this)

Step One: 

Want to start a club? Schedule a new club information session!

Book Now

Step Two:

Click on all groups in Bend Beavs Central and select the blue "new club" button.

Apply Now

Step Three:

After applying, sign up for a preliminary club meeting!

Book Now

Current Club Resources

Get in Touch

Stop by the Student Life office (SSC 010) for drop in hours on Wednesdays from 2-4pm


Steph Beamer - Student Organizations and Activities Coordinator

Lily Brock - Marketing and Administrative Assistant