Hospitality Management Courses by Term
All information is subject to change
() = pre-requisites All pre-requites classes must have a grade of C- or higher
2023-2024 Academic Year
Summer 23
Offered Fall, Winter & Spring Terms
HM 210 – Hospitality Internship I (3) (HM 101 and instructor approval)
HM 310 - Hospitality Internship II (3) (HM 210 and instructor approval)
HM 410 - Hospitality Internship III (3) (HM 310 and instructor approval)
Fall Term 2023
HM 101 (4) – Introduction to Hospitality
HM 320 Service and Automation and Technology (4)
HM 325 Online Marketing and Reputation Management (4) Online
HM 430 Service Management (4) Online
BA 260 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship (4)
BA 352 - Managing Individual and Team Performance (4) (COMM 111z/218 and WR 222/227z)
BA 360 - Introduction to Financial Management (4) (BA 213 or BA 215/315, ECON 201)
BA 390 - Marketing (4) (ECON 201)
ECON 201 - Microeconomics (4) (MTH 111z)
SUS 350 Sustainable Communities (4)
Winter Term 2024
HM 230 Lodging Management (4)
HM 340 Vacation Property Management (4) Online
HM 425. Advanced Restaurant Management and Ownership (4) Online
BA 230 – Business Law I (4)
BA 314 Sustainable Business Operations (4)
ECON 201 - Microeconomics (4) (MTH 111z)
Spring Term 2024
HM 235 Hospitality Law and Labor Relations (4)
HM 321 Hospitality Technology Laboratory (4)
HM 420 Revenue Management and Pricing (4)
HM 470 Advanced Hospitality (4) WIC
BA 315 (formerly 215) - Accounting for Decision Marking (4) (MTH 111z)
BA 352 - Managing Individual and Team Performance (4) (COMM 111z/218 and WR 222/227z)
BA 360 - Introduction to Financial Management (4) (BA 213 or BA 215, ECON 201)
MTH 245 – Math for Management, Life & Social Science (MTH 111z)