Beaver Movie Streaming

What is Beaver Movie Streaming?

Beaver Movie Streaming is a free on-demand streaming movie service (similar to Netflix streaming movies). New movies are selected every month by on-campus residents.

Vote for Movies

Every month residents can vote on next month's new movies. You can see the past movie results at Election history.

Suggest a Movie

Suggest a movie for next month's vote. Suggestions must exist in the movie list (use the Search too) or the new releases list.

View On-Demand Streaming Movies

  • Viewing is only available from on-campus network connections.
  • Computer web browsers require the Widevine Media Optimizer.
  • Android and Apple iOS devices require the Swank Media Player app.

Advertise on Beaver Movie Streaming

Get great exposure for your OSU group or event by advertising with a bumper ad on Beaver Movie Streaming.


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