Elections 2025-2026

2025-26 Elections

Meet Your Candidates!

Headshot of current ASCC VP

Allison Barr 
Campaigning for: Vice President

  • Current ASCC Vice President
  • Junior; Human Development and Family Sciences major
  • Loves to help others, which drives everything she does
  • Committed to developing systems that will have a meaningful and lasting impact on campus
  • Would love the opportunity to continue growing as a leader, student and advocate through a second term 
  • Wants to expand student-led events, cultural initiatives and affinity groups 
  • Create a sense of belonging for all; improve resources for underrepresented students
Headshot of current ASCC President

Whitney McFarlane
Campaigning for: ASCC President

  • Current ASCC President
  • Junior; Political Science major with Law & Society focus
  • Loves hiking, snowboarding, sewing and baking sourdough
  • Mission to make campus inclusive, transparent, and accessible to all
  • Wants to expand student-led events, cultural initiatives and affinity groups
  • Create a sense of belonging for all; improve resources for underrepresented students
  • Strives to increase student input opportunities related to campus
  • Increase awareness around student resource opportunities like the food pantry and various subsidies
Headshot of candidate for legislative affairs position

Noah Schlossberg
Campaigning for: Director of Legislative Affairs

  • Junior; Political Science with International Affairs focus
  • Hobbies include playing board games, hiking, reading and generally learning about new things
  • Passionate about helping others
  • Believes that working through government is the best way to help others and affect meaningful and lasting change
  • Wants to continue improving communication between ASCC and students to help understand and address problems more efficiently
  • Wants to be a strong representative for the student voice
  • Excited about leading the new Judicial Affairs Committee

Elected Positions

2025-26 Academic Year 

  • ASCC President
  • ASCC Vice-President
  • ASCC Director of Legislative Affairs


Elections Process

Would you like to run for office?

Campaign Material Guidelines:

All candidates participating in the OSU-Cascades Student Government sponsored elections must have all campaign materials submitted per the requirements listed in the Elections Packet.

Requirements for Candidacy

  • Candidates for any elected or appointed office must meet the following University requirements to hold office:
    • Elected Positions must have earned at least one (1) term at OSU-Cascades.
      • Summer term does not count
  • Student Government Positions must complete the following requirements
    • Have completed at least 6 credit hours in the prior term to elections.
    • Be currently enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours.
    • Not be on conduct probation
    • Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
    • In rare cases where two or more OSU-Cascades classes interfere with each other, Members of the OSU-Cascades Student Government may take the class online or at Central Oregon Community College (COCC) with proof of class schedule overlap.
      • In the case of an Executive Member being a senior, they must complete at least one 3 credit class on campus, the rest of their classes may be taken at the campus of their choice (OSU-C, COCC, or E-Campus).
    • Graduate or Doctoral students shall have earned at least five (5) hours of credit in their most recently completed term, be currently registered for at least five (5) hours at OSU-Cascades, not be on conduct probation, and have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
    • Failure to enroll during summer term shall not disqualify an otherwise qualified candidate for elections or appointment.


Elections Timeline 

January 30, 12 p.m. & 6 p.m., Information Sessions 1 & 2 (OBSN Study Grounds by Fireplace)

February 3, 6:30 p.m., Information Session 3 (Beaver Dam - Study Grounds)

February 7, 5 p.m., Filing Deadline

February 10, 5 p.m., Certification of Candidates

February 17, 8 a.m., Campaigning Starts

March 3, Candidate Open Forum Dates Begin

March 7, 5 p.m. Campaigning Ends

March 10-21, Online Voting