Committee/Task Force participation (prepare a statement about what work you accomplished and how it made a difference)
- Diversity (Cascades or Corvallis)
- Campus Culture
- Task Forces (such as Provost’s on Faculty/Student Recruitment/Retention)
- Presenting about DEI topics on campus or in the community
- Developing campus/program equity plans
Participation in workshops (prepare a statement on what you learned, how you have applied that learning, and to what effect)
- Search Advocate
- Implicit Bias
- SafeZone Training
- Sessions on Social Justice
- Suicide prevention
Inclusion of specific teaching practices related to DEI (name the course, topic, how it was integrated, and evidence of impact on student learning)
- Course content or readings
- Providing service learning/internships/study abroad experiences designed to create cultural sensitivity
- Specific teaching of behaviors that result in a civil learning environment
- Using personal under-represented or minority status or international experiences as teaching tools
Specific efforts to benefit specific under-represented students (name effort and outcomes)
- Seeking funds to support students in need (scholarship, internships, emergency funds)
- Research mentoring for under-represented students
- Recruitment activities targeted at under-represented groups (acting as a guest speaker, etc.)
- Creating program pathways to encourage under-represented groups from places like K-12 schools and community colleges
- Using second language skills to support students
- Bringing in diverse individuals as speakers
- Work on a community issue related to DEI in teaching or scholarship